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I smiled as Jane handed me a plate, then I eyed all the food on the table, but there was something for everyone it seemed.


"Please, I prefer Trix, Slenderman. Its the name Jeff calls me." I said, and he nodded.

"Alright, Trix. I hope I made something you'll eat." He said, then I eyed the food and grinned.

"Toby, wanna share the waffles?" He beamed and eagerly nodded, passing them down the table to me.

"Thanks!" I grinned and drowned them in syrup, eating the sticky mess.

"You were never really a child, were you?" I looked at Bloody Painter then shook my head as I kind of cleaned my face.

"My mom died when I was young, and I was tossed into foster care. After a couple of different orphanages took me in to try and get me a home, Bob and Satan- Sarah found me and brought me to their house. I was forced to grow up quicker than normal." I said, and he nodded.

"You called Sarah 'Satan'. Do you hate her?" Toby asked, and Jeff snorted a laugh before I could answer, making everyone eye him.

"Does she ever." Jeff said, but I glared, and he stopped.


"Trix, why don't you explain?" Slenderman said, and I nodded.

"Uh, Sarah tried to force me to accept her as my mom, but I never did. She wanted me to be in beauty pageants, the cheer squad, be a basic bitch, like her, but I never wanted to, and she hated that. I'm only still here because Bob likes me as me. Otherwise, I'd be in another foster home somewhere, and I wouldn't have grown up with Jeff." I said then shrugged it off.

"So, you're not into dolls and makeup?" Jane asked, and I laughed, the idea of that was hilarious to me!

"Nope! Screw makeup, screw dolls, and I don't do dresses!" I laughed, then continued eating.

"And how come Jeff didn't kill you?" Masky asked, then I go,t the feeling he didn't like me.

"Because he saw I wasn't scared and asked why. I instead asked him to tell me a story, and he just kept coming back." I said, and Ben cooed.

"Awe, is Jeffy going soft on us?" Before Jeff could react, I threw my fork at Ben, and he shrieked as he ducked.

"Bellatrix, no throwing forks at the table!" Slenderman demanded, and I sighed as he got me a new one.

"Ben, quit purposefully antagonizing Jeff and Trix. Just because Jeff is friends with her and has been since she was young doesn't mean he is going soft. He was right to stay with her after learning she wasn't afraid." Slenderman explained, then I smirked as Ben pouted. I glanced at the clock then stared as I realized the time.

"Oh man, Sarah is gonna kill me!" I cried and stood, going to the door.

"Trix, wait!" I stopped, then Jeff grabbed my arm.

"Hold on; you'll get lost out there! Let me walk you home." I nodded, then he got me one of his old hoodies he didn't use and gave it to me.

"Be careful, you two." I nodded at Slenderman, then we left and Jeff walked me to my house, helping me sneak in through my window.

"Be careful, please." He whispered, and I nodded, shutting my window and going to my bed, laying down. I silently prayed that Sarah hadn't come to check on me yet, but the odds weren't in my favor as she came up the stairs.

"Sarah, she hasn't come through the front door! I doubt she's home-"

"Which means if she's in her bed, she snuck in after doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing!" Sarah snapped, and I jumped up to lock my door, but she opened it before I could.

"You little brat." She growled, slamming the door behind her and locking it too. I took a shaky step back then stared at her as I felt pure, actual fear at the ideas of what she might do to me now.

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