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Time Skip: Five Years
Trix's Age: 12
I walked into the house, keeping my head down, then went to the stairs, but Sarah came over.

"Bella!" I stopped then slowly looked at her, making sure she couldn't see my eye.

"Where have you been?! School ended over an hour ago!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I had to come straight home. I was with friends, which you don't seem to have." I spit and went upstairs, slamming my door behind me and locking it.

"BELLA, OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" She yelled as she banged on the door, but I ignored her and turned my stereo on, playing Green Day louder than her. As I played music, I sat at my desk then grabbed my homework, starting with my history. All night, I worked on my work and switched the stereo blasting for my mp3 player with my headphones instead. Even if I was pissed at Sarah, our neighbor had kids on one side, and on the other side, the guy was as old as dust. I sighed as I finally got to the math I had been putting off, then I eyed it, looking up as something moving in the corner of my eye got my attention, but it was just Jeff. I pulled my headphones off but stared as someone came in behind him.

"Trix, this is Ben. Ben, Bellatrix Bright." Jeff said, and I stared at the boy dressed as Link, but he was so different the longer I looked at him.

"Is he like you?" I asked, but Jeff growled as he came over, grabbing my cheeks.

"Who hit you?!" He spit then I jerked my head away, looking down.

"No one, Jeff, I fell." I said, but he caught my shoulder and made me look at him.

"Bullshit! No one hits my sist-" He stopped then took a deep breath.

"Friends, no one hits my friends-"

"Nope, you called her your sister, Jeff. She's Bellatrix Woods as far as your concerned." Ben said as he came over, then I rolled my eyes, though my right one hurt at the motion.

"Just some stupid kids at school, Jeff, its nothing." I said, and got back to work on my math.

"At least let me help you with your homework then. Please?" I glanced up at him and nodded, watching him pull a seat up and grab my other pen.

"Jeff doing paperwork? That's-"

"Can you be quiet, Ben? My foster parents are right across the hall; they'll wake up if they hear you." I whispered, and Ben nodded, coming over and sitting on the floor. I watched as he pulled a GameBoy from his pocket, then he put it on mute as he played a game, but Jeff helped me with my geometry in the only way he knew how: death and killing. Yes, I knew he was a killer, but I still couldn't find it in me to be afraid of him, and I couldn't find Ben scary either, I don't know why.

"Bella?" I jumped and looked at my door, Jeff and Ben freezing.

"What, Bob?" I asked, then he sighed.

"Bella, can I come in? Please? Your mother-"

"My mother?!" I spit then stood, glaring at my door.

"My mother is dead! You and that bitch of your wife are my guardians until I am eighteen, then I am not your problem!" I growled and, for the first time in five years, heard Bob growl in anger.

"You watch your mouth, young lady!"

"Or what?! You'll send me to my room?!" I laughed and crossed my arms.

"No, or I'll send you back to that foster home!" He yelled, and I felt fear fill me.

"What do you want?" I spit, and he huffed.

"I want you to let us in, Bella! Its been five years, we've tried-"

"To make me into the girl you want, not try to understand me! So unless you plan to, goodnight!" I spit and waited, listening as he walked to his room and shut the door.


"Ignore it, Jeff." I spit and went to my bed, sitting and picking at my pillow.

"Who hit your eye, Bellatrix?" Jeff asked as he sat in front of me, then I looked at him.

"These two boys in my school, Jimmy Stanton and Ethan Carlisle. They've been messing with me, just because I'm a foster kid." I said, and Jeff nodded, Ben standing and coming towards us.

"Jeff, you can't-"

"Yes, I can. Trix, try, and sleep. Those guys won't bother you ever again." I nodded, then he ruffled my hair and stood, leaving with Ben and shutting my window as I laid down for the night.

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