Twenty One

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"How would we even do that, Jane?" I asked, then she shrugged.

"We could figure it out. I mean, Clocky and I could fashion the dress, Masky and Hoodie are good at organizing parties, Jeff and Lj are oddly good at flower arrangements, and that man can make literally anything when Painter, Jason, and Puppeteer are on his side. Seriously, come on and think about it! His traditions claim you two, so why not actually get married by human traditions?! Please, it'll be fun!" She begged, and I sighed.

"Let me talk to him about it, and I'll let you know. But don't start anything until we give you the okay. Alright?" I directed at both her and Clocky, then they nodded, and I sighed, leaving their room. I went to the master suite, then shut the door behind me, hearing him in the shower, and laid in bed.

"What did Jane need?!" He called, then I looked at the bathroom and groaned.

"I'll wait until you're not on a slick floor to tell you!" I said then waited, listening as he finished showering and came into the room. I looked at him as he pulled his sleep shirt on, then I crawled under the blankets, laying against him as he laid in bed.

"She wants us to hold a wedding so that we're together in human tradition as well as your claim mark." I said, then waited for his response, but he was oddly silent. I looked at him; then he sighed without really sighing.

"Why not? It sounds like fun." He said, and I looked at him, completely shocked.

"Are you serious?" He nodded, and I laughed, shaking my head.

"Alright then, we'll hold a wedding ceremony." I said, then kissed his cheek, both of us going to bed.
"Why did I ever agree to this?" I groaned then Jane rolled her eyes as she continued to tailor my dress to my size in the family room. She couldn't do it in her room or something, no, she had to do it where everyone could see.

"Because it'll be fun. You won't get that much now that you're an immortal proxy who is claimed by the Operator." She said an,d I rolled my eyes, yet again for the maybe hundredth time today.

"Keep it up, and they'll get stuck like that." Lj joked as he and Jeff worked on the flower arrangements, but they were mostly drawing them up right now with Painter.

"Ow!" I jumped as Jane stuck me with the needle then I clenched my eyes shut as I swayed when I saw it.

"I should not have looked!" I said then Jane gave me an apologetic "ya think".

"Can I leave yet?!" Slendy asked from behind his office door, and I watched as everyone glared at the doors.

"NO!" All of them yelled together, then I snorted, looking at the ceiling as I tried not to think about the needle. I jumped as some sort of pillar of fire popped up, then everyone glared at the being there.


"Where's Slenderman?"

"His office, don't let him out! And don't let him see in here!" Jane demanded, and this being, Zalgo, looked shocked.

"Alright. By the way, you look amazing, lady." He said and went to see Slendy.

"Who is he?" I asked, and Jane sighed.

"Trouble, that's all you need to know. Slenderman can tell you everything if you want." I nodded, then she stepped back and eyed her handiwork.

"What do you guys think?!" She called, and everyone turned to look at me and stared.

"Damn, why don't you wear dresses again?" Jeff asked, then I cleared my throat.

"Because I don't like them." I said, then Clocky snorted as Ben gaped.

"You look like a whole damn princess!" I laughed and smiled as I was kind of beginning to like this dress thing. Kind of maybe.

"Thanks, Ben." I said, then Jane helped me upstairs so that I could change out of it and get it onto her mannequin in her room.

"I'll add the finishing touches, and then it'll be done." I nodded as I slid Slendy's sweats back on with a tank top, then I left her room, going downstairs just as Zalgo came out of Slendy's office. I went into the room then saw Slendy looked paler than usual, which was saying something.

"Hey, what did he want that has you looking like that?" I asked as I shut the door, then he looked at me and cleared his throat.

"He wants to come to the wedding. He's asking for an invite, to know we're serious." He said, and I laughed as I grabbed his cheeks, kissing his head.

"Then give him one, show him we're serious. If he still doesn't believe us, we can just take a video of us having sex and send it to him." I said, and he went red.

"I am not doing that." I laughed as he hugged me, then I laid my head on his, happy with the man I loved.

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