Chapter 1: Beacon

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The male known as Jack smiled as he arrived at the large building known as Beacon. As he did he looked around and smiled slightly as he began to walk down one of the several paths that lead into the building. He had taken some time to memorize some of the layout on where it was he needed to go for his first day so he wasn't too lost at the moment. As he was walking he heard a loud explosion beside him.

When he turned he saw two females arguing with one another. One that looked to be a bit younger than the others at the school with black hair that slowly turned red near the tips and a bright red hood. And the other having pure white hair and wearing clothes that seemed a bit fancier than most would expect. Jack stared at the female with white hair for a while not paying attention to what the two were saying before he began to walk away.

"Where have I seen her before?" Jack asked aloud as he continued down the path that he was on. "I don't think she lived in my hometown, then again maybe she just didn't come to the docks that often," Jack said to himself as he continued down the path. He made a sharp turn around a corner and ran into someone, sending the two back but neither of them falling over.

"Oh, sorry," The two said in unison before stopping and looking at each other. The two took a moment to look at each other. While Jack wasn't attracted to men, he had to admit that even he thought that the male in front of him was rather handsome. The two continued staring for a moment before the male in front of Jack chuckled slightly.

"I won't lie, for a moment there I was expecting you to be one of those jerks that say something like 'hey watch it' or something else like that," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Jack chuckled hearing this and nodded.

"I wish I could play koi, but unfortunately I know what you're talking about all to whale," Jack said as he looked at the male in front of him. King nodded hearing this and Jack looked at where he was going before speaking. "Are you new here? Because if so then you're going the wrong way," Jack said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Really? Ugh," King said with a slight groan. "I've been trying to find this place for a while and can't find it," King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Can I sea the message they sent you?" Jack asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Oh, uh, sure," King said as he reached behind him and pulled out a small letter handing it to the male in front of him. Jack then opened the letter and quickly skimmed it before spotting what he needed to.

"Ah, here it is," Jack said as he turned the paper so that King could see it as well. "They misprinted your directions here, it says turn left instead of turn right," Jack said as he looked at the paper.

"Really?" King asked as he looked at the piece of paper in front of him.

"Yeah, give me a second I'll show you," Jack said as he reached into his pocket grabbing a small piece of paper that had been folded several times before unfolding it to show King. "See mine has the same directions but it says turn right instead," Jack said as he held up his own letter that he had received. "If you want I can help you out?" Jack asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Yeah, at this point I think that's the only way I'm going to find this stupid place," King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Fintastic, follow me," Jack said as he began to walk down the halls. "Oh and bef-oar I forget my name is Jack," The male said introducing himself with a smile.

"Right, nice to meet you. My name's King," King said as he introduced himself as well.

"King . . . why does that name sound familiar?" Jack asked as he continued to walk down the halls of Beacon. When he said this King got a little nervous and looked at him.

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