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Ashanti Pov

"But can you guys clear up the rumors for me are you to engaged " Wendy asked me as she squinted her eyes at me and Jeremih . We both looked at each other..........

"We are engaged " me and Jeremih said together as I showed her my ring

"Awe this is just so cute " she said as she was clapping while the people in the audience was screaming and saying congrats .

"And we have another surprise to " Jeremih said as he took me by the hand .

(You guys remember when I told you guys that I went to the doctor and they said I wasn't pregnant well they lied)

"Are you sure " I told him and I was asking myself that question .

"Come on now are y'all gone tell us or stand up and look crazy " Wendy said as she took a sip of her tea ( her and the got damn tea drinking it like its sprite or Mountain Dew )

"We're pregnant " Jeremih said as he held my stomach.

"Wait what " Wendy looked like her wig was about to fly off ( lmao )

"How many months " she asked me as I sat back down .

"First Jeremih I'm pregnant ok and I'm 3 months pregnant " I said

"Omg why didn't the media never get any small baby bump see the paps is bad at their job " Wendy said as she adjusted her blouse .

"So what are you having " she asked us

"It's to early to tell but even if they did tell me the sex I wouldn't say it all " I said to her

"Ok I had to ask the question " she said as she looked to Jeremih

"So how are you feeling about all this you first coming out as a new couple not even 8 months ago getting married in basically a month and having a little Minnie running around the house don't you feel like everything is being rushed " she asked j.

"That's a really good question I would have to say no and yes only because I love Ashanti to death ok I would do anything for her I felt like her getting pregnant wasn't at the best time it can happened but I'm happy that I'm going to have a girl/boy which ever and I'm glad to be sitting next to my soon to be wife " he said as he rubbed my thigh I almost started to cry but I was also craving some pickles right now.

"What a nice way to put it" Wendy said.

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