Cheering Raven Up

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Andy's Point Of View

"Raven, Where are you?" I call out on the bus.

"She's in my room" Jinxx replies.

I run into the room worried "Is she okay?" I ask Jinxx. Then I notice she is curled up into him sobbing. He ruffles her hair and whispers comforting stuff into her ear. I see their arms around each other. There better not be anything going on here. Wait, Jinxx would never do that to me.

"Well, I'm going to go do something.. I'll see you around" I just had the best idea..

I see Raven's phone on the living room table and pick it up, I unlock it as there is not password and search her contacts. I find Shadow and face time him. He answers with messy hair and tired eyes.

"A-Andy?" He asks confused.

"Yes, it's me. How'd you feel about coming on tour with us? Raven's upset and I think whenever she's upset she needs you and Whisper" I smile.

"B-both of us?" He gets exited.

"Yes, both of you. Do you want to come or not?" I laugh.

Whisper walks into the camera. "Yes!"

"But its 1:30am" Shadow moans.

"Hold on a second" I walk over to the bus driver. "Hey, could you go to this destination" I pass him the map route to the foster home where we picked up Raven.

He nods and I walk back to the camera. "Guys get your stuff ready" I smile and hang up.

*3 hours later*

The bus pulls to a hault and I'm the only one up so I dart outside and enter the foster home. Its open 24/7 so I'm greeted by Lucy again.

"Oh, hey sexy. You adopted Raven right? Are you here to adopt somebody else aswell?" She smiles.

"Yes, Shadow and Whisper" I answer.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Very sure" I tense my jaw ready for any cruel remark she'd give next.

I guess she saw from my facial expression what I was thinking and didn't say anything, just walked upstairs. While I wait for her to come back I take a look around the place.

Magenta walls and dark oak laminate floor in the main room which I'm standing in. Black leather couch facing a 48 inch TV. These kids don't have it that bad, unless that's just for the adults. There is also a pool table in the centre of the room and a computer in the corner. There is a miny chandelier dangling from the ceiling and makes the room look a bit posh and fancy. There's a jukebox on the wall by the pool table and a few cabinets by the computer probably filled with files or something.

"Andy, hey" A voice sounds behind me, I turn to face Shadow and Whisper and of course Lucy.

"Come with me and sign a few things and you three can be on your way" Lucy sighs.

*10 minutes later*

Ugh that paper signing sucked, my hands hurt really bad and I hated the fact we were alone together I swear she has some creepy crush on me.

"Bye guys" She smiles before slamming the door shut in our faces.

"Andy, thankyou for adopting us. We are such huge fans and we appreciate you adopting us. I hope we can get on well because I'd love to be your friend" Whisper smiles, d'awh he's so cute and innocent.

We walk over to the bus "Guys we need to stay quiet because you getting adopted is a surprise and only I know about it so you're going to come into my bedroom and sleep there. Don't exit the room until morning okay?" I whisper.

"Okay, got it" They both say in sync.

Adopted By Black Veil Brides.Where stories live. Discover now