Chapter 1. Saved

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And Kenji is also aged up to be around 18-21 ( you can pick the exact age ) this is so the content and themes of the story is a little more appropriate.

It was an average afternoon, the roads were busy as people drove home from a long day of work. The sound of sweet chatter could be heard from the shops and restaurants surrounding the streets. You were walking home with your significant other who was holding you hand tightly. Your relationship with them was different to say the least, at first they were amazing and all you wanted in a partner! But after months of dating they started to show their true colours.

It wasn't much at first, you two would get into verbal fights every week or so but then it got worse. Those verbal fights now happened almost every day and now they would end with you crying in pain. You knew in the back of your mind that you had to leave but something was telling you not to. You relied heavily on them, they helped keep you financially stable and you now lived with them in a shared apartment.

You snapped back into reality as you notice a small shop across the street from you, you couldn't pin-point why but it caught your eye. You tug on your partners arm as they look down at you, "hay P/N? ( partners name) Can I please go look at that shop over there?" You ask while pointing the way. They shake their head and keep walking "no.." was all they said.

You were annoyed, you had spent the whole day shopping but not once did you look at anything you were interested in, it was all for P/N. you sigh as you kept walking trying to pull your hand away from then but it was no use. "You never let me do anything..." you mumble under your breath.

"What did you say to me?.." P/N says in a furious tone, they stop walking and grip your arm even tighter. Your body starts to tremble in fear as you desperately try to pull your arm away. Before you could say or do anything you were roughly pushed onto the brick wall next to you making you whimper in pain. "Listen here you freak, we both know that you need me to survive. You know that no one else will fucking love you with an ability like that! So you better listen to me cause you know what I can do to you!" You try to pull away but it was no use they were stronger then you.

"P-put me down.." you manage to say trying to ignore the pain in the back of your head. This seemed to make P/N even angrier which you didn't even know was possible. You were grabbed by the hair and pulled away from the wall but before you could move you were roughly slapped in the face making you fall to the ground.

As you sit there tears rolling down your cheeks scared for your life, you could hear the sound of metal being pulled out of the ground and loud footsteps following but you ignored it due to being in a more dire situation. You watched in fear as your abusive partner towered over you about to swing a kick, you close your eyes ready to deal with the pain you were about to feel but it never happened.

You heard P/N groan in pain and someone saying "that's no way to treat someone..." you open your eyes to see  P/N passed out on the ground and next to him was a boy who looked to be about your age with blonde hair and blue overalls, he seemed to be holding a traffic sign that was ripped from the ground. You were confused the boy didn't seem storing enough to do something like that but you ignore it. As the boy turned around you saw his kind smile making your rapid heart beat calm down.

The boy sets down the traffic sign and holds out his hand, his smile becoming even sweeter "don't worry they can't hurt you anymore.." his voice was soothing and calm making you smile. You slowly grab his hand pulling yourself up, you wipe your tears and notice that the back of your head was bleeding heavily. "T-thank you.." you say weakly trying to understand what just happened.

"Come with me..I'll take you to the agency, he can't hurt you there.." and with that the boy grabbed your hand and you followed him to the Armed Detective Agency. You didn't know it at the time but this whole situation was the start of great friendships and moments that you could never forget.

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