Chapter 12. Attempted Escape

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"Let me go!" You scream while trying to squirm out of the guards grasp. You were now being pulled down the halls of the port mafia, and even though you weren't trying to show it you were terrified. Workers watched you with a close eye making sure you didn't try to escape. You reach a small room with bars on the door, as you were pushed inside and chained up you realised it was a cellar.

You hung there hands chained to a wall unable to really move as you heard footsteps come closer to you, as you look up you see Chuuya with an evil smirk on his face. "You enjoying your stay?" He asks while opening the door and stepping in front of you. You didn't respond but just turned your head, but as you did this you were met with some aggression.

Chuuya roughly grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him " what's your ability? We were told by someone named "P/N" that it was called Demonic voice but they didn't tell us what it did..". You heart started to pound in fear "what else did P/N tell them?" You think to yourself as you try to squirm away. Chuuya let's go of you and heads to the door "your friends should be here soon so we have to prepare...enjoy your stay" and with that he left.

"Almost there..." you mumble to yourself as you fiddle with the cuffs keeping you bound. You see, When you started working at the agency each member had taught you a few tricks, for example Rampo taught you about the different types of candy and were is best to buy them. And Kunikida taught you how to properly set out a schedule. If you were being honest none of these were helpful but one was, Dazai had taught you how to pick a lock.

You hear a little click and watch as the cuffs fall you ground, you smile being proud of yourself as you quickly made your way to the door, it was time to escape. You ran through the halls as fast as you could hoping to not be seen. You could see the entrance right in front of you but before you could make it there you were met with Chuuya. "Shit" you say to yourself as you get into a fighting  stance "that was clever of you Y/N..." he says while running up to you. Without a second thought you mumble. "Demonic voice! Entire body." And watch as Chuuya falls to the ground and screams in pain. Before you could move you were met with hands grabbing you and holding you up, it was more guards. You tried to squirm but it was no use, Chuuya slowly gets up now ignoring the extreme pain he was feeling and walks up to you. "So that's what it is.." he says before punching you in the face making you pass out.

You slowly wake up to see that your back in the cellar with tighter cuffs and a microphone? In front of you. "It's so we can hear everything you say.." Akutagawa mumbles, he was standing at the door and you assumed that he was guarding. You sigh as you feel yourself give up. Let's just hope your friends come to save you.

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