Chapter 9. Shopping

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also, sorry for the edit I forgot to add the warning when I first uploaded the chapter

"Hay Kenji!" You say happily while standing at your roommates bedroom door. "Hi Y/N" he replies with while getting up from his bed "what's up?" He asks, "well we are out of food, so I was gonna head to the shop. Care to join me?" You say while tapping your foot on the wooden floor.

"Okay so what do we need?" The blonde boy asks while walking down the Aisles of your local grocery store. "Everything, we need everything." You say with a small laugh "we really need to stop buying stuff at the last minute" your friend replies with.

As the two of you walked through the store putting things you needed into your basket you felt like someone was watching you, you didn't know how to explain it but an evil feeling followed you, but you ignored it. You were snapped back to reality when Kenji tapped your shoulder trying to get your attention. "Hay I forgot to grab someone from the other end of the shop, I'll go get it and find you" the boy gave you a smile as he walked off leaving you alone.

"Why are there so many types of sugar?..." you mumble to yourself as you look at the wall covered in shelf's full of sugar. You picked the cheapest option and place it into your basket, as you do you feel a hand grab your wrist turning your around. As you looked at the person who grabbed you your heart started to pound in fear. It was P/N ( ex-partners name ) and they didn't look happy.

"W-what do you want?" You ask trying to stay as calm as you could. P/N let go of your wrist but they still had a furious look on their face "I've seen you in the news Y/N. Do you really think your "saving" people by doing what you do? Even if you are stopping criminals your a freak! Your just as bad as the people you stop don't you understand that!"

Your body trembled in fear as you tried to step away but P/N stopped you. With all the Courage you had you spoke up to your ex "s-shut up.." "what did you say to me?" They day back stepping closer to you "I said shut up!" You roughly push them away about to walk off to find Kenji but before you could your hand was grabbed and you were pushed against the aisles, "oh I'm gonna make you regret that.."

P/N help their hand up in the air about to bring it down on you, you close your eyes accepting the pain you we're going to feel but it never happened. You opened your eyes to see Kenji holding P/N by the collar of their shirt "uh..I wouldn't do that if I were you..." Kenji said with his signature happy smile. P/N tried to squirm out of your friends grip but it never worked. "Fucking Freak!" P/N spat at you, Kenji chuckled and in one quick move threw the abuser into the wall knocking down the aisle and making them pass out, all while Kenji was still smiling.

"Thanks for saving me Kenji.." you say while walking out of the store with your groceries. "It's no problem Y/N as my family always said Should a cow act up, hit them with whatever is close at hand." You laugh as you smile at your friend "so what are we gonna do with the damage we caused?" You ask referring to the knocked down aisles. "I gave the shop keeper Kunikida's contact info he can figure it out!" Kenji replied with, his smile bigger then ever. You laugh as you walk down the street with your roommate "come on, let's go home."

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