Chapter 14. Escape part 2

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"Hey Kenji did you find Y/N?" Dazai asks as he walks up to the Kenji who was silent "they weren't in the cell!" Kenji yells trying his hardest to conceal his rage. "What do you mean?" "I mean that they aren't in the fucking cell Dazai!" Kenji yells while walking off.

As Kenji walks through the halls with Dazai close behind him he sees an  unconscious Chuuya on the floor, "I told you I would handle him" Dazai says with a goofy smile, but Kenji didn't care. He roughly picked up Chuuya making the shorter male face him.

"Where are they!" He screams causing the Mafia worker to wake up. But Before he could answer Kenji had started to bash the boys head into the wall causing him to cough up blood. "T-the roof....Y/N is on the roof.." Chuuya manages to say while trying not to pass out. Dazai watched in shock as Kenji dropped Chuuya's bleeding body and headed for the buildings roof.

As the two made their way to the roof Dazai didn't dare to say a word to the furious Kenji "I've never seen him like this before.." he thought to himself.  Once Kenji reached the roof he was met with Akutagawa holding you over the roof but still held you close enough so he could hear everything you would say. you were terrified tears ran down your face as you watched Kenji run up to you. "I will drop them!" Akutagawa says with a devilish yet proud look on his face.

"Okay Dazai I have a plan..." Kenji whispers making sure no one other then Dazai heard his plan. "Okay let's do this!" Dazai replies.  Dazai ran up to Akutagawa who immediately enabled his ability, lashing out at Dazai. As the two of them kept fighting Kenji ran up to Akutagawa who was still tightly holding you, Kenji quickly grabbed you causing the two of you to fall of the tall building.

You screamed while holding onto Kenji who had his hands around your waist "don't worry it'll be fine." He said with his calm smile. As you made your way closer and closer to the ground your heart pounded in fear. As Kenji hit the ground he used his ability so he was the only one who hit the ground with force.

"How did we not die!" You yell but was soon cut off by the sight of Kenji crying. "What wrong?" You ask while wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"I'm just happy that you are safe again Y/N.."

Sorry that Kenji is kinda out of character in this story, I have this head-cannon were he may be kind but he can super furious at times. Anyway I hope your enjoying the story and I'll see you in the next chapter! - Microwavewithlegs

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