Chapter 11. Taken

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"Good morning everyone!" You cheer happily as you burst into the arm detective agency ready for another day at work. Kenji walked in close behind you and the both of you sat at your desk. "So what's on the agenda today?" Kenji asks while fixing up the string of his hat. Kunikida walked up to the group with his Doppo poet in his hand. "Okay, Rampo and Kenji you too are required to head to the police station they have a murder case for you to solve. Y/N and Atsushi a gang has been reported to smuggle weapons for the port Mafia it's your job to stop them."

"Excuse me Kunikida sir?" Atsushi says while standing up from his desk. "But shouldn't Y/N and Kenji work together? You know how good of a team they are." Kunikida shakes his head in disappointment "sorry but the police specifically requested for Rampo and Kenji it can't be changed."

It was a couple hours later, you and Atsushi had just finish stopping the gang from smuggling weapons and were on your way back to the agency. "You did great Atsushi your ability is amazing!" You yell while patting  your friend on the back "oh thanks Y/N your ability is great too"

As the two of you walked down the quiet streets you started to feel like you were being watched, but you shook it off. You kept walking but as you did there was a loud crash, you look up to see what looked like to be a car destroyed in front of you, and behind that car was the port Mafia. You stood there in shock as Chuuya, and Akutagawa had evil smiles on their faces.

"So it was you two who cut off our weapon supply." Chuuya says while slowly making his way up to you "leave her alone!" Atsushi screams as he runs up to the Mafia workers but Akutagawa grabbed him leaving Chuuya to hurt you. "So your the new rookie? It's great to finally meet you but it's been a pain to figure out what your ability is so how about you just tell me?" Chuuya asks in a mocking tone.

You were about to use your ability but Chuuya was too fast, he roughly grabbed you by the shoulder and punched you on the face causing you to cough up blood and pass out.
"No!" Atsushi screams as Akutagawa let's him go "we only came here for them." He remarks pointing to your unconscious body which Chuuya was now holding onto tightly.

As the two port mafia workers walked off with you with them Atsushi knew that he wasn't strong enough to save you...alone that is. So he ran off making his way back to the agency.
The door to the agency bursted open as Atsushi ran inside a worried look on his face.

"Y/N has been kidnapped by the port Mafia!"

The room went silent, Kenji smacked his hand onto the table making a loud bang. He looked angry which was something new for the agency but they had more important things to worry about.

"Let's go save Y/N!"

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