Chapter 6. The armed Detective agency

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"I can walk myself now Y/N.." Kenji says with a sigh taking his arm off your shoulder and wiping the blood from his head. You and your injured friend were quickly walking back to the agency after an encounter with a group of thugs. You were worried for your blonde friend, you kept asking him things like  "are you okay?" And telling him that you were almost there.

Once you did finally make it to the agency you opened the door and bursted inside "EMERGINGY-...what?" You cut yourself off to see that all Your friends were standing around a table full of food holding party hats. "Surprise!" They all yell happily leaving you confused.

"What the hell is going on?" You ask while sitting down on one of the desks while Kenji walks off with Yosano. "You see Y/N...if someone wants to join the agency they need to undergo a test...everything you just went through was fake. The thugs were just people we hired and same with the lady you saved from a stab wound...we were watching it all." Kunikida explains. Your heart sinks as he explains to you what happened. 'I hurt those people for nothing...' you thought to yourself.

'B-but did I pass?.." you ask while looking up at the taller male, "yes you did, you handled that situation perfectly and your ability is quite amazing, so welcome to the armed detective agency!" Kunikida gives you a proud smile as you get up from the desk and yell "well in that case let's celebrate!"

It was an hour later and everyone was having a great time. Ranpo was eating, Yosano was drunk and trying to get Kunikida to drink and Dazai was being...well Dazai. You had settle down from your excitement of being able to officially work here and were now sitting at your desk which was next to Kenji's snacking on some left over food. "Hay!" You look at the desk next to you to see Kenji with a bright smile and bandage on his head.

"So were you in on it too?.." you ask with a sigh, the boy nods slowly shaking his head. "Yeah I was..but you did great!" He says back with a small chuckle. "I guess..but i really hurt those people and all for nothing.." you stare at your desk slowly tapping your fingers on the hard wood. "Don't think about it to'll make you hungry!" Kenji leaps up from his desk holding his hand out, you smile hearing him say that line which you have heard many times before as you slowly take his hand pulling yourself up.

The two of you walk back to your group of friends both happily smiling. "Hay Y/N Kenji, weren't you meant to bring me back some snacks?" Ranpo asks with a childish pout "we dropped them Ranpo sorry.." you say with a slight shrug and all Ranpo does is cross his arms showing his frustration.

You giggle as A smile grows on your face, you were excited, excited to start your new job and new life at the armed detective agency.

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