Chapter 15. Worthless ( end )

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"Home sweet home!" Kenji cheers as he opens the door to his apartment. It was a couple hours after the Detective agency had saved you from the port mafia, after intense healing you were able to go home with Kenji by your side.

"It's great to be back.." you say softly while looking around, nothing has changed as expected. As Kenji put down his keys and walked to the living room you felt a wave of emotions overpower you. "I'm just glad you are save Y/N...Y/N?" Kenji turns around to see you crying, your face turned red as tears rolled down your cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry Kenji.." you say while wiping your nose. "N-no no please don't cry Y/N!" The blond boy says while running up to you and pulling you into a warm embrace. "I-I thought I was getting better...I thought I was staring to be useful but then I had to fuck it u-up and get kidnapped.." you mumble while shoving your face into your friends chest "my ability makes me a monster...I was dumb enough to think I could use it for good, I'm just worthless.."

Kenji stood there shocked as he slowly brushed his fingers through your hair feeling just how much your heart was pounding. "Worthless?.." he says "your not worthless what are you even talking about?" Kenji slowly places his fingers onto your chin softly forcing you to look at him "Y/N you are one of the strongest, kindest and most determined people I've been through so much but yet you still stay strong and care for your friends, the agency wouldn't be the same without you Y/N...I mean it.."

Kenji looked at you with the calm and heartwarming smile like he always did "maybe your right Kenji..." you say trying your hardest to smile through all your tears "we all care about you Y/N, you mean the world to me. Seeing you hurt breaks my I have to protect you, I love you Y/N.." Kenji's face was a deep red as your eyes widen in shock.

"Wait a-ah I'm sorry just forget that I said anything-" Kenji was cut off by you hugging him tighter and squeezing him in delight.

"I love you too Kenji!"


"Pay up!" Dazai says with a childish smirks as he holds his hand out. It was the next day and you had just told your friends about the newly found relationship between you and Kenji. But to your surprise the Agency already knew that the two of you had feelings for each other and had decide to place bets....Dazai won. Each of the members payed there share of money and Dazai shoved it into his pocket. "It's like you can see into the future!" Atsushi says while looking up at the still smiling Dazai. "I had a friend who could do that, I guess it didn't do him any good cause he's dead now..." Dazai face went pale as he looked serious for once in his life. "Anyway! We have work to do" he replies with switching back to his normal self.

"Let's get to work!"

I really hope you enjoyed this story, it's been super fun to write and I hope it's been just as fun to read. Have a good day/night cause remember you deserve it, and I'll see you in my next story! - Microwavewithlegs

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