Chapter 19

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Ariana woke up before me, usually it would be the other way around.

She woke me up, then I took my meds for my shoulder. It was healing pretty fast. She was in some sweats and in one of my hoodies, again. She had her hair up in a bun, she also had light makeup on.

She looked cute as always.

Me on the other hand? I put on burgundy Nike sweats, with a matching hoodie, and then my white air forces. I also had on a grey Nike hat.

Nike should just sponser me already.

"You ready?" She smiled at me.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I smiled back.

In the inside I was nervous as fuck. I'm gonna be miles up in the air.

Ariana has called the dog sitter before hand, so the girl was there. I didn't catch her name though.

The driver that's gonna take us had arrived, I brought out our luggage, while Ariana was talking to the lady.

"Goodmorning sir." I smiled to the older man.
"Oh you can call me Richard, what's your name?" He had a kind smile.
"Nice to meet you Richard, I'm Riley." I shook his hand.
"Pleasure meeting you." He said, "let me take those." He referred to the luggage's, there was about 3. One of mine and the other two were Ariana's.

"I'll help." I offered. Before he can even say anything, or try and reject it, I went ahead and grabbed mine and one of Ariana's.

The doctor said I shouldn't be lifting anything heavy or anything, but I mean, come on. With all these vegan meals, I'm feeling like Superman at this point.

My bag was probably the lightest, so I decided on putting in Ariana's first.

I started lifting it, I didn't feel anything in my shoulder, so I continued.

But it wasn't until I got it over and into the back of the car, because of the motion that I did it in, I felt a sharp pain. I immediately said "ow" because, I mean, it hurt.

"Riley, let me get that." Richard rushed over and helped me.
"Are you okay?" Richard asked.
I held onto my shoulder, I just nodded yeah. It should be okay.

I looked over and I saw Ariana walking towards where Richard and I were. She immediately saw that I was holding my shoulder.

I wasn't gonna tell her anything, because then if I told her that I did the exact opposite of what the doctor told me, she'd scold me.

"Riley what happened? Are you okay?" She was already concerned.
"I'm fine. It's okay." I said, I let go of my shoulder.
"Were you trying to lift the luggage up into the car?" She asked, she put two and two together.

I just stayed silent, here it comes. I already feel it coming.

"Riley," she grabbed my hands and looked up at me, "the doctor said you can't be lifting heavy weight, it can reopen the wound." She said, her voice was soft.
"I get that you think you're indestructible, or that you're already healed, but you're not. Please just take it easy. I don't want you hurt all over again."

I nodded to show her that I understood. I just really don't like it when I know I can be helping someone, but I can't. Or that I need help with something as simple as lifting a luggage.

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