Chapter 28

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This morning Ariana was more affectionate than usual. Not sure why, but I'm not complaining about it. I love being able to have some sort of contact with her, whether it's as small as like holding pinkies or something. I think my love language is physical touch. At least with her.
Before, I wasn't an affectionate person. I felt weird to even give a hug that lasted more than 3 seconds. Affectionate touch wasn't the greatest assets when it came to relationships. I've learned that with Ariana, it's different. Everything is different honestly. And I'm grateful for it.

Anyways, tonight I had work.
After a few weeks off, it was time to get back to normal and prep myself for the exhaustion of the sudden difference in sleeping schedules.

I was currently packing my stuff so I can get back to my apartment to arrange some stuff, since I haven't really been there since the shooting.

"Why do you have to go?" Ariana wrapped her arms around my torso from behind.
"Cause," I chuckled, I turned around to face her so I can wrap my arms around her petite frame. "I have work and I have to go home." I explained.

I knew it was gonna be hard to get used to not seeing her everytime I woke up. I was dreading the moment I had to go to sleep without her in my arms.
"Just please please please be careful." Her eyes were staring into me, but they were soft.
I brought up one of my hands so I can caress her cheek, "I promise I will. I'll swing by to check up on you tonight okay?"

She just nodded and leaned up to kiss me, I leaned down so she didn't have to be all the way on her tippy toes.
I gave her one last kiss on her forehead before I had to turn back around and finish packing.

"Where are my hoodies?" I asked, scanning the room for them. I only had one left and I know for a fact that I had more than that.
"Those I'm keeping." Ariana perked up, she was on her phone, then I turned to look at her, she just had this cheesy smile.
"Okay fine." I chuckled.

She practically owned half my wardrobe now. The shirts she wears to bed are mine, she wears my hoodies, she insists on keeping some of my casual clothes here at her house so whenever I come over, I already have my clothes here. Might as well close my lease to my apartment and move in with her.

Obviously that won't happen anytime soon, because I mean we just started dating.

I finished packing, I had put Kobe on the leash so we can go. Ariana was following me to my car, waiting to say bye.

I opened the trunk and put my stuff in, I also opened one of the passenger doors so Kobe could hop in. Now I just had to say bye to Ariana.

"I'm gonna miss you. Please be safe. Please." She wrapped her arms around my neck. I know she worries, I know she's scared that something like the shooting will happen again. And I feel for her, she's been through so much and I can't help but feel responsible for yet another factor that she has to stress about.

"I'm gonna miss you too. I promise I'll stop by and check up on you during my shift and I'll text you meanwhile too." I kissed her forehead.
She leaned up for an actual kiss, which I gladly accepted.

When I would try and pull away so I can actually start leaving, she kept pulling me back in by the collar of my shirt.
"I gotta go." I chuckled against her lips.
"Ugh fine." She pouted, she gave me a hug then one last peck.
"Text me when you're home okay." She stated.
"Of course I will." I chuckled, getting into my car.

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