Chapter 25

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I had just showered and gotten ready. I didn't get all dressed up or anything, just something simple. It was black jeans, white Nike's, an olive green hoodie with a black bomber jacket over it. I hadn't gone and checked up on Ariana to see if she was ready yet, so I did.

I went up to her room, I saw that the bathroom door was open, so I went in there. There she was, putting on her makeup.

"Hi." She said, she was still looking at the mirror, trying to perfect her makeup.
"Hey." I smiled, then she shifted her eye sight to me.

"You're beautiful." I muttered, but I'm pretty sure she heard it, based on the subtle blush she had.

I guess she was barely finishing, because after that last little fix in her makeup, she went over and kissed me.

I've learned she liked kissing me at random times. Maybe it was because of my still surprised reaction.

"Let me just get dressed, and then I'll be ready." She said while she walked towards her closet.

She had a bunch of clothes, and she always switched her outfit.
But she managed to find one, she was wearing a black top, it had like spaghetti noodle straps, I don't know what it's called, then black leggings, this soft looking jacket and then white shoes.
She made any and everything look good.

"Okay I'm ready." She looked at me with a smile, waiting for me to get up.

"You look beautiful." I admired her.
"Thank you." She blushed, then grabbed my hand to lift me up to leave.

And now I was nervous. Time is ticking and it's just getting closer to the moment I ask Ariana to be my girlfriend.

I mean like technically we are already a couple, but I want to be a little old fashioned.

I had texted Brian to let him know that we were going to eat before we went to the trail, he said to just let him know when we're about done so they can set it up.

I drove Ariana and I to the restaurant, I had asked for a more secluded area of the restaurant so that Ariana and I could have privacy.

"I'm so hungry." Ariana somewhat groaned, looking at the menu. I just chuckled to myself and I started looking at the menu.

I honestly felt awkward and I didn't know what to say because all I was thinking about was asking her to be my girlfriend.

I want everything to be perfect, because she is perfect in my eyes and she deserves nothing less than perfect.

The waitress had came by and took in Ariana's presence and we both could notice her surprised reaction when she saw Ariana.
But she of course, kept it professional.

"Can I get you guys anything to drink?" She had asked, getting ready to write it down.

"I'll just get a glass of wine." Ariana slightly smiled.
"What kind?"
"Whichever one is best in your opinion."
The waitress had nodded and then looked over at me to order my drink.
"I'll have the same." I nodded.

I needed some type of liquid courage in my system for the night.

When the waitress left Ariana looked over and me and grabbed my hand, "are you okay? You seem kind of out of it." Her eyes were sincere.

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