Chapter 22

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Ariana's P.O.V.

All this morning, I kept thinking about last night and Riley. We really did that. I didn't expect things to escalate like that, but one thing led to another and yeah.

She's been so patient and understanding. Sometimes I worry that maybe this is all going to be too much for her. But I won't let myself lose her because of my overthinking.

She's so gentle. Last night, she made it so special. She really took her time, which I liked. It made it mean so much more than just a "heat of the moment" type thing.
And she's so good at it.

We were on our way to Disney World, I was super excited because I love Disneyland. And I was ten times more excited because this is Riley's first time going, I'll get to show her all of my favorite rides and everything.

In the car, we were in a SUV so the driver was in the front, my mom and Frankie were in the backseats, then Riley and I were in the seats behind the backseats.

She honestly looked so good today, her sleeveless jersey was showing her tattoos and toned arms.
I was holding her hand and caressing it with my thumb. I was scrolling through Twitter and decided to reply and like some tweets from fans.

@ abgneedy: who's that girl that's always in ariana's story?

@ moonlightabg: @ abgneedy probably a new friend but they be lookin pretty cozy. but that's none of my business

@ abgneedy: if ariana liked girls that would just make my whole life. i ship it.

I was reading the interactionand I showed Riley.
"Look." I smiled up at her, she first smiled at me and then looked at the phone.

"Oh my. They've already found out who I am and everything." She chuckled.
"Oh my god are you serious?" I laughed.

"Oh yeah, some of them have found out my full name, and I think some even found out where I work." She laughed.

"Oh my god." I laughed, "I'm sorry." I said.

"Oh no it's okay. She smiled.

I don't want her to be scared or like be pushed away because of all this.

I know she's said she's okay, but I'm just worried.

I'm still having second thoughts about everything. It's just, I'm scared that this will all be too much and she'll overestimate herself and think she can handle it. When it's a lot of shit. I have a lot of baggage that I carry with me, and I don't want to be a burden to her.

And I also in a way still feel guilty for moving on. But I know that I can't punish myself forever, nor can I dwell on it for my whole life. I've had the hardest times of my life go by, and now I'm finding happiness, I shouldn't let it escape.

I feel like right now I'm in a good position to actually grow more than what I have with the time that has passed by. Tour had ended, I didn't have really much to do other than organize my house and myself and go to the studio.

And I really feel like Riley came at the right time.

"Hey." I heard Riley's voice. It was soft.
I looked up at her, it was like her eyes just pierced through my soul and she read me. It was like she knew exactly when I felt uneasy or that I was too caught up in my thoughts.

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