Chapter 26

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It's been about a week since I asked Ariana to be my girlfriend and it's still surreal to me.
Somehow Ariana's become more clingy than usual ever since then. I'm not complaining about it. I just feel closer to her, and I really want this to work and I don't want to mess it up. I'm still not used to it because it's just something out of my comfort zone.

I'll admit, I am scared still. Cautious is the word I'd use, when it comes to opening up. I also know that it's unhealthy to keep things buried. I've debated on going to therapy, I haven't told Ariana for her input, it's still something lingering up in the air for me to decide whether I do or don't want to do.

I go back to work tomorrow too, my wound is all healed up, there's a scar there, obviously.
Ariana's not that excited about me going back to work, she wants me to stop by her house every shift to just say hi and make sure I'm okay.

I guess the whole shooting incident really made her worry about me and my safety, which I mean, is reasonable since I did get shot, not to mention died and came back to life.

Kinda bummed out I didn't get some sort of psychic abilities from it. That would've been dope now that I think about it.

The basketball tournament between departments is next week too. Ariana had already said she's going so I'm excited but nervous too because so don't wanna fuck up in front of her.
I'm gonna start training today, matter of fact.

It was morning currently, and I was cuddling with Ariana. I wanted to get up and go to the gym, hopefully go to the basketball courts too.
Ariana and I were watching tv, she was cuddled up in my arms. Occasionally I would feel her fingers run up and down against my arm, that subtle action still makes me get goosebumps.

I wanted to get up and go to the gym though so I unwrapped myself from her grip, already earning a groan.
"Where are you going?" She watched me stand up.
"Uh to the gym." I said.
"I miss you." she pouted her lips, she laid on the spot where I was once laying.

"I'm right here." I chuckled, this made her shyly smile.

"I know but I missed cuddling with you. Why are you going to the gym so early anyways?" Ariana questioned.

I checked the time and it was only 10 AM.

"It's 10 AM." I laughed.

"But still." She cheekily giggled. I had bent down to give her a kiss, her lips are always so soft.

"I'll be back in like 2 hours." I said.

"Okay, be safe please." Her voice was soft, she pulled me in for another kiss before I went into the bathroom and started getting ready for the gym.

We were practically living with eachother already, I don't want to overstay my welcome though. So maybe sometime this week I'll start going home from now on.

I was already set to go to the gym, I gave Ariana a kiss goodbye, well a lot of kisses goodbye before I left. I

I finally got to the gym, I took lifting the weights a little easy because the doctor had advised to take it light then build up the more I feel comfortable. I was minding my business, doing my workout and listening to music. I was going to do the weights then hit the basketball court after this.

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