Chapter 23

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I was sitting there, watching tv with Ariana. Not really watching tv but just daydreaming.

How am I going to ask her to be my girlfriend?

I've never gone all out like this before, not even with my ex. I mean like I just asked right then and there. I didn't do the whole extra extravagant gestures to ask her. Which is sad. I apologize to my ex.

Nah just kidding, she did me dirty.

Anyways, Ariana deserves something romantic, I'm not sure whether I should go all out or not, what if it'll overwhelm her? I don't know. But she deserves the absolute best.

My mind literally became blank. I couldn't think of anything.

My thoughts were interrupted by a text, I looked at it, Ariana peaked over as well.

It was from Brian, that surprised me.

Brian: Yo Riley! Some people from the station and I are gonna do a barbecue for the Lakers game. You wanna come? It's gonna be in like an hour.

"Who was that?" Ariana asked, her tone was innocent and curious.

"Brian from work. He just invited me to a barbecue for the Lakers game." I explained.

I want to go, but I don't want Ariana to be alone.

"You should go!" Ariana smiled.

"I think I am." I replied, "but you're gonna be alone." I said.

"No no. I'll invite the girls to come over and hang out." Ariana said.

I was kind of scared to even go, honestly. I'm a bit more introverted than I am extroverted. I'm probably going to be awkward. I'll probably end up just sitting alone. But I've at least got to try to make friends.

Other than Ariana and her friends. I mean I know being around the same person constantly could get overwhelming. Not that I am, but I don't want to overwhelm Ariana, with my presence.

"Are you leaving like right now right now?" Ariana asked, her eyes looked a little pleading, telling me not to go just yet.

"Oh no, it's in an hour." I smiled.

"Yes I get to cuddle you more." She cuddled up closer to me and kissed my cheek.

"When are the girls coming over?" I asked.

"Probably like in an hour too." She responded.

I just nodded my head and enjoyed the time I had with her.
I don't think I could ever get used to it. I mean just look at her, God crafted her to perfection. Her personality is heavenly. She's very patient with me, despite everything I've gone through and my emotional stability.

Ariana's got this way about her that just makes me so comfortable to open up. Which is something I probably would never do back then. I'm feeling a lot happier, feeling of being whole. I feel like the universe is finally on my side this time. Although, I've still got work to do on myself and my mental health. Ariana certainly helps with hushing all of the demons in my mind.

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