Chapter 4

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"What!?" Kim shouted

"She knows what exactly?"

" About your cousin and I " Steven said

Slightly relieved ,but still freaked out, she said;

"How the hell did she find out? You better not break up with my cousin over her! What did she say?"

Kim's phone beeped once more, there was an incoming call from Kate.

"Hold on, she's calling", Kim said

"Hey hun what's up" Kim asked

Kate was sobbing and crying so intensely, she could barely make an audible sentence out...

" I...f___oun__d.........(sobbing).....o..ut... on me."

Kim rolled her eyes and then in the most sympathetic way possible said;

"I'm so very sorry to hear Kay, do you want me to come over and stay with you?"

"No I'll be fine, I just can't ...(sniffles)... believe....(sniffles) he would do that to me...(sniffles) you know? "

" I know honey, but it's probably for the best, he didn't deserve you anyways, I am on another call I'll call you back later ok"

After being on hold for so long, Tim hung up and was calling back but Kim didn't answer.

Kim thought she ended the call with Kate,instead she mistakenly merged the calls, thinking she was talking just to Steven.

"You better not let my cousin know about this, just finish things with Kate and be with my cousin. Kate doesn't know or suspect anything or she would have said it to me, it's been over a year, so end this, I don't care about whatever feelings you have developed for her, yes! I know you have! I've seen the way you look at her! My cousin will Kill you and her if she finds out, so you better end it, or I'll be sure to let all your college friends know your little secret"

" Don't you dare threaten me! in case you have forgotten it's OUR secret and for the record I do like Kate A lot , you're the one faking to be her friend because you've been jealous of her all your life, and inspite of it all, you'll never be her or even come close to being her. And whatever your cousin has over you, I don't even want to know! Because she is trash just like you".

Kate stood in the middle of her room, somewhat mindlessly ,with the phone at her ear, she couldn't move, she couldn't talk, she felt paralysed both mentally and physically, exremely dumstrucked by what she just heard, until the phone fell from her hand and hit the ground.

Steven hung up the phone and immediately Tim called Kim back, he kept going on and on about all that's gonna happen when he saw her, and though usually this would excite Kim, she wasn't listening, what Steven said to her really made her feel terribly about herself.

It's true Kate and Kim go way back but Kim has always been jealous of Kate. Before they became friends Kim tried everything to make Kate look bad, all of which failed, so she decided to befriend her instead, Kate is a forgiving , sweet, kind, humble person, she looked pass what happend between them and befriended her just the same. And Kim had gotten to know Kate and knew she's genuinely an exceptional person, which is why, now she is feeling so awful.

Steven attends the Marchart University, so does Kate's cousin Jessica, Steven and Kim met at a college party, that Jessica invited her to. That night they all partied, got extremely drunk and did something unforgetably horrific. They all agreed to keep it a secret among themselves.

Steven went to a party at Clovers University where he met Kate, they bonded and talked for weeks, Kate didn't tell Kim about it because she didn't know if it was going to be anything serious. After a month Kate and Steven got even more serious. While they were having lunch one day Steven went to the bathroom and left his phone unlocked on the table, Kate started going through his gallery. When Steven came out and saw that, he quickly grabbed the phone from her.

" What the hell was that for " Kate exclaimed

"Umm...I people searching my phone" he managed to lie

Though in Kate's head she found it quite odd, she convinced herself it wasn't a big deal and they awkwardly continued with lunch.

Steven sat there wondering if she saw evidence of what happened on his phone, he had evidence to black mail both Kim and Jessica that he thought was wise to hold on to. Even Though Kate saw nothing ,Steven was convinced she did but chose not to say anything.

Two months passed and Kate decided it was time to introduce Steven to her bestfriend Kim ,they arranged to meet at Kate's favourite restaurant " The Lofs".
Kate and Kim were already seated when Steven arrived. Kim's back was turned to the direction that he was coming from, Kate spotted him when he arrived and while he was approaching Kate whispered excitedly;

"He's here don't look! He's coming over here!"

When Steven approached the table and their eyes met ,both their faces became frightfully pail and expressionless. Kate's face went from a massive smile to a puzzled expression.

" do you two know each other " she asked

Both realizing what has happened they both denied knowing each other and Kim quickly invited Steven to sit.

Kate, her usual gullible self, shrugged it off and they all went right to ordering, with Kim and Steven staring down each other grusomely and undetectably. After the entré, Kate excused herself to go to the bathroom.

"What the he'll are you doing here! And with Kate?" Kim asked

"You are the new boyfriend? She continued"

"Are you out of your mind?"

"You're cheating on my freaking cousin? You son of a b...."

"Stop!, I like her! we've been dating for a bit, I was gonna break up with her but I think she knows"

"What do you mean you think she knows? How does she know? Does she know about me about all of us? What the hell?"

" Keep it down people are starting to stare" , Steven said while looking around.

" I said I think she knows! I don't know for sure, but until I do, I'm gonna stay with her ".

"Hell yeah you are! You better keep that b**th happy and quiet!!!, and Jessica better not find out about this, or you and her, or I'm dead, and if I get screwed I'll ensure you are too!"

"Aren't you suppose to be her best friend though?..... Oh! this all makes sense now she's the "Kay" you tell Jessica about, that you've been jealous of your whole life? Your family is so screwed up you guys are pathetic".

*** Thank you guys for reading
Please share
Honestly Kim is messed up
What does Kate do next?**

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