Chapter 6

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Kate sat in the bathroom, rethinking her scheme to make Kim pay, she knew deep down that she wouldn't want her or anyone else to feel the same level of hurt she felt. She played around with her fingers, reconsidering her plan. Kate had liked Tim for a long time, she just was not able to admit it to herself, until today, the connection between them, she thought, was unreal, unexpected and hot!

Tim couldn't stop thinking of Kate all day, he kept remembering how she bit her bottom lip, how she stared right back into his eyes, how he wanted to rub his finger over her skin...he wanted to taste her lips, at least, those plump juicy lips..
What the hell is wrong with me? That's my girlfriend's best friend...

Thinking back Tim remembered , seeing Kate first it was his first week since being transfered from another college, he liked her from the moment he saw her. She was always humble, sweet and absolutely stunning and he though she had an amazing smile. He remembers vividly the first day they met, she was wearing a sexy, off-shoulder, blue blouse marked " beast" he thought it ironic ,seeing how humble she was. When Tim walked over to the table that Kate and Kim sat that day, Kim flirted so hard with him, while Kate pretended not to see him. They eventually got together and Tim no longer saw Kate as a possible girlfriend but as his girlfriend's best friend.

For a while Tim was lost in his thoughts, he then saw Kate walking pass, heading downstairs, he immediately got up to follow her, it was as though she drew him like a magnet. Tim finally caught up to her on the stairwells

"Kate!" Tim called

Kate recognized the voice, stopped, but was reluctant to turn around, she thought it hard to look at him, or even say anything to him after their moment earlier in the morning. Kate finally turned around.

" I don't know where Kim is" she said before he could say anything else. Trying her best not to make eye contact.

Tim stepped closer and gently pushed her against the wall and lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes. Kate gasped.

He rubbed his index finger down her right cheek and slowly trailed in along her neck,
Kate swallowed hard.

"I'm not looking for Kim" he whispered.

He stared down into her eyes, his eyes circulated her face, then landed on her lips, he got closer, so close Kate could feel his breath against her skin, she swallowed hard once more and closed her eyes. He got closer, Kate could feel his lips brushing against hers, she wanted to kiss him so bad at that point, she wanted to move in, but he pinned her to the wall. Just kiss me already!

And then he finally did, he gently covered her lips with his , he removed his hands from above Kate's head and cupped one of her breasts, with one and held her waist with the other, pulling her closer. Kate kissed back hard, with her hands released she placed one hand beneath his shirt and used the other to run her fingers through his hair. Realising that she was getting too deep, Kate pushed him away, touched her lips seemingly, regrateably and said;

" We can't be doing this!"

Without giving him a chance to respond Kate stormed off.

Tim stood there speechlessly, he wanted more, he wanted Kate.

***Thanks for reading guys
Please share
Two guys in one day! Oh Kate!?
Kate and Tim?
Who's the mystery guy?
Is there more to Kate than we know***

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