ʏᴇᴀʀ: 2013

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Kim Taehyung

18 year old Kim Taehyung, lousily walked back to his dorm while sipping on a bottle of chocolate milk.He was still trying to get acquainted to the dorm life as adjusting with six absolute strangers wasn't that easy. However the members of the group that he was going to debut in were super friendly and one of them namely Park Jimin was of the same age as him and both of them had connected immediately.

Taehyung himself was a jovial and out going person so making friends was not that difficult for him after all. He walked through the busy streets of Seoul observing the surroundings and recalling the day he had been cast as a member in the group.

A year ago Taehyung very enthusiastically had accompanied a friend of his to an audition for a new k-pop group in his hometown Daegu. He was least interested but for the sake of his friend he found himself standing in the queue of the audition along with his pal. Only a few minutes had passed when he had found a middle aged man gaping at his face. Back then Taehyung was confused when the man had happily blurted "Yes!You're the one, you are selected."

But after a week or so, when Taehyung was standing in the BigHit company's building he realized that all this wasn't a dream after all. He also recalled how he was the only one who was selected in the Daegu auditions and thinking of all this brought a smile on his handsome face. Taehyung considered that luck had favored him all this time and hence he was the most humble trainee in BigHit. But little did people know that fame, wealth and power like any other person could also change Kim Taehyung who was known for his innocence.

Fate had been a boon to him.

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Kang Mirae

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Kang Mirae

11 year old Kang Mirae, happily waddled towards her house with her final term report card tightly clutched in her hands. She was extremely happy with the outcome of her hard work as she had aced the test and had been promoted to the next class. She was also excited since her parents had promised to take her out for dinner if she would do well in the exams. Mirae was in a jovial mood as she also could finally prove to her ill tempered mother who thought that she was good for nothing, that she also had the potential.

Mirae was about to knock on her house's wooden door only to find it open. She heard a loud bang from inside followed by a loud shrill shriek. Her eyes grew big in absolute horror and she barged into the house immediately only to find her parents in a heated argument.

Her mother's eyes were filled with rage while her father's were filled with that of pain. Mirae was petrified and did what a normal 11 year old kid would do- she tried to stop them.But fate wasn't with her, she was stopped by her mother slapping her. She saw how miserable the condition in her once happy family had become.

Things completely changed when her mother uttered the words, "I'm going to file for a divorce."

Mirae was young but not dumb and she definitely understood what those words meant. She saw her perfect and happy life getting ruined in front of her and all she could do to release her stress was to tear up her mark sheet into shreds and toss it in the bin.

Fate had been a bitch to her.

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