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Year 1995

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Year 1995

The Korean historians were enthralled by the wonders of the exquisite things found at the historical site of the Joseon era.

They had discovered amazing artillery, manuscripts and works of literature. But one thing that they were looking for but hadn't found out was this mystical object that had been mentioned by many poets of the Joseon era. Apparently this was a mystical object that had the power of switching souls. The historians were dying to find out whether this was true or just a rumor.

It was a sultry summer afternoon when havoc was caused at the site.

"Sir, I think we found it, it's right there." A middle aged historian exclaimed to his senior.

The senior historian came running only to witness what his junior had found -a glowing object emitting an aura that was ravishing. He slipped on a pair of rubber gloves and picked up the 'glowing ball' since he knew what power this mystical object held.

"Sadly we will never come to know if this object actually has the powers that the Joseon era poets said it has." The senior said and sighed.

"Sir, lets hand it over to the Seoul Museum authority." The junior mumbled to which the senior shook is head in agreement.

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Year 1999

Seoul museum gained a lot of credit and fame due to the mystical object that the historians had found in their search for historical artifacts in the Joseon era site.

Many people came to see the magical object but none dared to touch it since they were too scared to test it out. People knew that the magical object could switch souls but they didn't know that if one would return back to normal once their souls were switched with someone.

So the object remained as a visual pleasure to people and eventually five years down the lane people lost interest in it and it was moved to the vacant parts of the museum where visitors rarely went. But little did people know that things were going to change soon and this mystical ball would prove it's worth and power after all.

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