ʏᴇᴀʀ: 2017

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Kim Taehyung

Taehyung smiled on seeing his name on the first position for the world's most good looking men. The past and this year had been extremely good for him and his group. He could never have imagined that his group would get the 'Artist of the year' award. In Fact they were invited for the infamous 'Bill Board Music' awards this year and had successfully won the 'Top Social Artist's awards. Things couldn't have been better.

However with their growth and fame a tinge of arrogance had also crept within Taehyung. Well, it should have been normal since he wasn't the same Kim Taehyung anymore. He was almost a new person, a person with net worth almost close to 7 million dollars. He was desired by many and he definitely enjoyed this attention.

However one thing he was not aware of was that pride and arrogance could be the cause of his downfall. Unable to realize this Taehyung had got addicted to the dark side of power, stardom and popularity.

His members were worried for him but how could they control a 22 year old, who was strong headed and did not care about what people said.

Things still would've been fine if he would be just rude or arrogant but the problem was he was more like a soft spoken bastard. He always was in the company's good books and never did anything that would turn him against his band mates and his company head. He tried nothing to tarnish their image, it wad hard earned after all.

However weeks later he found himself standing in front of one of Seoul's poshest bars. All the drinking and attractive women excited him.He definitely wanted to try out what being extremely drunk felt like. So he drank only to wake up in someone else's bed the next morning. Taehyung had not imagined that a one night stand would be so exciting but he seemed to like it and thought that he would find himself trying this out more often.

⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

Kang Mirae

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Kang Mirae

Tears escaped Mirae's eyes recalling her beloved father and how things had gone from bad to worst in the past year. When two years back Mirae had heard her mother asking for a divorce she was fine with it since she never felt any attachment towards her.

However her world had turned upside down when like most divorce cases the child was handed over to the mother, Mirae was also handed over to her mother. Mirae was heart broken and she in no way wanted to live with her mother. However her mother had won her custody and her father had to let go of Mirae.

Mirae was forced to move far away from her actual home in Seoul with her mother as settling far away from her father is what her mother wanted. She had no say in what was in store in for her.

Courtesy her dad Mirae and her mother had moved into a pretty decent house since that was the deal that was made between her parents. Mirae's mother had rather used Mirae as bait to make her ex-husband pay for her luxuries. Mirae never understood why her own mother despised her so much but she never raised her voice against her mother, after all she was her mother and Mirae was never the rebellious type of kid.

One could say that Mirae's mother had taken this habit of Mirae for granted. Mirae's mother had found a terrible way to ruin her life, which was basically to taunt her and bring her self esteem down.

Hence Mirae's life had turned out to be a literal hell hole.

⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

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