ʏᴇᴀʀ: 2015

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Kim Taehyung

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Kim Taehyung

Taehyung had debuted with his group and he also had come to realize the fact that being an idol wasn't that easy at all. He was stressed that so far his group had only face severe hatred from people. Although there were people who supported them, the numbers of haters outnumbered them.

Despite tones of criticism Taehyung and his members never stopped working hard. They practiced, trained themselves and worked meticulously to make their music stand out from other k-pop groups.

Guess what, the saying 'Hard work brings success' is actually true since all the sleepless nights spent by Taehyung and his members actually proved to be useful and they did get their first win in the Korean music countdown after two years of debut.

Taehyung was overjoyed and his happiness was shown in the form of tears escaping his eyes after they were handed the trophy. He was happy and thanked fate for being so good to him. His group Bangtan Sonyeondan finally had started climbing the flight of stairs towards success.

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Kang Mirae

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Kang Mirae

Mirae was made to believe that things between her parents were really normal. Mirae always kept herself distracted by spending her time by studying and acing most of her exams, not wanting to meddle with her parents' matters.

Her parents wanted her to forget the incident and so did she, hence that fight was never spoken off.

Until two years later when once again while Mirae was back from school with her midterm report cards and she heard the same shrieks that she had heard two years ago and thinking about that day brought a shiver in her body.

She ran inside her house to find her mom throwing expensive show pieces that was brought in by her father from foreign trips. Her father on the other hand pleaded to stop his wife.

"Stop, for god's sake, please, stop." Mirae shrieked, tears running down her rosy cheeks.

"Stay out of this you little good for nothing piece of shit." Her mother shouted slapping Mirae.

"Don't touch my daughter with those filthy hands of yours." Her father shouted, tears escaping his eyes.

"If a divorce is what you want then that is what you will get." He continued to which her mother smiled.

Mirae crumpled her report card and threw it in the bin unable to comprehend how her life had turned out to be so miserable.

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