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"Wₕₐₜ'ₛ ₘₑₐₙₜ ₜₒ bₑ wᵢₗₗ ₐₗwₐyₛ fᵢₙd ₐ wₐy"

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"Wₕₐₜ'ₛ ₘₑₐₙₜ ₜₒ bₑ wᵢₗₗ ₐₗwₐyₛ fᵢₙd ₐ wₐy"


11th January, 2019.

The golden sun rays entering Mirae's not so homely room woke her up from her not so comfortable and sweet slumber. Her head ached like crazy and she felt as if a pile of bricks had been dumped on her head. Not wanting to hear another word of hate and taunt from her mother she got off her bed and drew her curtains to let the warm Busan sun enter her room.

However today wasn't like the other usual dull days, today was special and Mirae was filled with immense excitement and joy as soon as she spotted the calendar. Today's day was in fact so special that she also had highlighted the date and decorated all around it with little doodles.

Today was the day when she would go to meet her dearest father after almost a year of being away from him. According to the contract signed between her parents, Mirae was forced to have no contact with her father and was only allowed to visit him once a year. Mirae's life with her mother was kind of stoic. Her mother wasn't exactly a demon to her but she never felt comfortable or loved with her. Life with her mother consisted mainly of studying and doing the little needful around the house.

Today however wasn't a day to repent on her daily life, today was her day and she was going to live to her fullest. Mirae did not waste another time in pondering how she would spend the day with her dad. 


Mirae's father looked at his watch and tapped his feet in anticipation. He no longer had the patience to wait for Mirae and kept on grumbling curses to the Korean railways for making him wait for the arrival of his beloved daughter. He usually was a very calm person but today he needed to meet Mirae as fast as possible since he had something special planned for his beloved daughter. He knew that he had little time in his hands and after him Mirae would have practically no one who would genuinely care for her. He wasn't that much of wealthy person and he hated that he couldn't leave behind riches for his child.

He obviously loved his job as an archaeologist but soon after he had a family that job wasn't enough and he had decided to take up the job as a curator in the Seoul Historical museum. However this job too wasn't enough to keep his wife happy and hence somehow this lead to their divorce. Mirae's father wouldn't have cared about the divorce as long as he was able to keep his dear Mirae with him but things didn't go as he had planned. Hence after two years of being diagnosed with a critical life threatening disease he had finally decided to give Mirae something that would benefit her. Thus he was impatient to meet Mirae.

The usually four hour journey from Busan to Seoul seemed to take longer than usual when he finally spotted his beloved Mirae.


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