Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 

She woke in the middle of the night, sweating and hyperventilating; she hated having that dream. Having that memory of what happened to her family; it never went away. She was one the run for years, staying in places that could hide her. At the moment she lived in an abandoned motel, The Motel 7 to be exact. It wasn't too big and it wasn't too small for Illiana, it was just right. It was the only place that she could be safe; it was the only place that wasn't taken over by those things.

Illiana wasn't the only one that survived. The ones that do survive end up going crazy. They search for anything and anyone to eat. It was dangerous in the new world and Illiana had to keep moving to survive. The motel was no longer a safe place; she had to move.

She was only in Indiana, a small state that had nothing in the country. However it wasn’t the place that Illiana was originally going to. Massachusetts was long way and driving from California was longer. She stopped every now and then to sleep and get gas or food, but other than that she was determined to get to Mass.

Night was falling and she had just pulled into a hotel. Illiana pulled out her bag and reached for her nine millimeter glock, her favorite gun. The hotel was locked, but that didn't matter to her, all she had to do was to take the handle of the gun and smashed it into the window.

It was dark and cold she couldn't see a thing. It was like being at the bottom of the ocean with no light, no air, and no warmth. It was like something evil was in there, teasing her, mocking her, to get her scared, but she wasn't. She was used to all this, after doing it for 8 years. 

Illiana searched the small hotel and as she did she heard a loud crash. Someone or something was in the hotel and Illiana was going to find whatever it was.

She had her gun in hand with a small flashlight looking around the lobby. It was clear, so she then proceeded with the first floor rooms. Illiana walked slowly to room number 1 and kicked the door open, it was empty. Then she heard a muffled scream, it sounded like it was coming form room 10, she turned out her flashlight and walked swiftly, but silently over to the room. With one good kick the door flew open.

“Who is in here?" Illiana asked.

“I will ask one more time, who is in here?"

There was a noise, then out from a corner a girl emerged.

"Who are you?" Illiana asked in a nasty tone.

The girl was scared, but spoke like a brave warrior, "My name is Elizabeth."

Illiana didn't speak, she was baffled that there was another person that hadn’t gone crazy.

“What’s yours?" The girl suddenly asked.  

Illiana didn't want the girl to now her name, after all she could be one of them. 

"Why would I tell you?" The venom couldn’t be missed in Illiana’s voice.

The girl that claimed to be called Elizabeth stayed silent. Illiana was getting furious, she didn't have time to be talking to a girl, so with one swift move she grabbed the girl and threw her over her shoulder. The girl screamed at the top of her lings.

"Shut up, do you want the red eyes to come and suck out our brains?" Illiana whispered loudly.

This only made the girl scream louder. Illiana was becoming impatient, she hated having normal people around her, because they always scream. The girl was screaming, but not screaming out sounds, she was screaming out a name. Illiana could barely make it out.


Illiana didn’t want to find out who this Nicholai person was, so she but the stubborn girl down. The girl stopped crying.

"Okay listen, I'm sorry. We got off on the wrong foot. So how about you tell me who this Nicholai person is.” The aggravation was apparent on Illiana’s face.

The girl giggled, “Look behind you.” 

She Is The Black Butterfly (editing! DO NOT READ!)Where stories live. Discover now