Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It was morning, the girl decided to come out of the floor. The house was empty and dull, the screams outside were no more, and the town seemed empty. The floor of the house was filled with blood, in the blood were drag marks of bodies, there was a fight and someone or something  had lost, the girl had a feeling that it wasn't the thing, and that it was something far worse..... her family.

Illiana woke, her nightmares only seemed to be getting worse. It was still dark and the room seemed empty, but it wasn't. She could feel the warmth of Elli right beside her and the lump on the other bed. Slowly she got out of the bed trying not to wake Elli and went to the bathroom. What she saw in the mirror made her jump. It was her, but it didn't look like her, this new person looked sad and tired, like she had been crying all night. Illiana didn't like her appearance, to her it made her look weak, vulnerable, and pointless. Illiana took one last look and then grabed a washcloth and clean her face. She looked refreashed, with that she went out of the bathroom, but as she did she smacked right into Nik. " Why are you up?" She demanded. It took Nik a while to register what Illiana said.

" I have to use the bathroom." he said with a voice that sounded like he just woke up

" Oh ok, well don't make to much noise." Illiana said as she was walking towards her bed

" Hay why were you awake?"

" The same reason as you, i had to use the bathroom."

" Oh ok." Nik didn't believe her, but had to go on what she said.

* * *

Illiana woke, her stomch was growling, she needed, no she wanted food. She got out of bed and looked in the frige of the room, nothing, then she relized that the brother and sister weren't in the bed, and that all their clothes were gone. Where the hell did they go? Illiana thought. She was outraged, they set her up. illiana quickly grabed her pants and pulled them on. She packed and went out of the hotel. She walked to the prking lot and saw that her truck was missing. That son a bithch i'm going to kill him as soon as i find him!! Then like a speed of light the appered.

" Come on we found food!" Yelled Elli

" Where did you guys go?

" Like Elli said, we went to find food and found some."

Illiana was baffeled and glad that they did that, i mean she treated them like crap, why would they do that? She didn't know but she was greatful.


Sorry guys sort of got writers block I don't think that it was all that gooa as the rest but comment anyway, i wont get mad if you tell the truth that u dont like it so plez cooment thanks

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