--Questions and Qualms--
Soul looks so peaceful while he sleeps. Despite his cuts and bruises, he looks like the boy I fell for in school.
I just wish I could go back to those feelings. The lust, the ache, the need to be close to him.
Now, instead of wanting him, I just like how he makes me feel safe and cared for.
I'm basically using him for the way he supports and cherishes me.
Somebody like Soul wouldn't hurt me intentionally. He cares for me. He loves me. He wants to make me happy.
And he's trying so hard.
I sigh, shake my head and wander out of the bedroom.
I'm dressed and ready for work.
My work shirts are all getting tight around my stomach and hips, as are my skirts. I'm going to have to get maternity wear soon. That sucks!
"So, what are we going to do about the baby?" Soul asks as we cuddle in bed that evening.
"Well, this place is too small for us and a baby. We should move into a two bed place so we have more room. The baby will have their own room."
I am completely amazed that Soul is able to consider the needs of my child! Not even Dean or Holden has shown that much compassion.
"That sounds like a lovely idea." I smile at him in the moonlight.
"I think you should give up work. I know you'll want to be a stay-at-home parent." Soul murmurs into my hair.
"How would that work? I need money to pay my rent and bills. Think of how much babies cost per week! I need a job."
Soul looks at me as though I've grown an extra head. "Am I incapable of working?"
I bite my lip and flush. "Err... I guess not. I didn't think you'd want to. It's not your job to supply my child and I with all we need."
"Just because I'm not the biological dad doesn't mean I can't have a part to play. I'm the ones who's going to be getting up for night feeds and supporting you with the screaming fits. In some way, I will be a father figure." Soul states.
I can't believe he's willing to take me on with all this baggage! A baby is a whole lot of stress! Exhausting, stressful, expensive baggage.
"Soul. That's amazing to hear, but I do have a few worries. I'm scared to voice them. I don't want to start an argument." I bite my lip, worriedly.
"We'll voice them! I'll try and help you through them." Soul says, stroking my cheek gently.
I sigh, and decide now is as good a time as any. Bite the bullet Lizzie!
"I'm worried about what Dean and Holden said. I'm worried about my baby not knowing who their dad really is. I'm worried about doing this on my own, but I don't think it's fair to make you take on my responsibility. I'm scared about money. I'm in a whole lot of debt. I trust you, but my wolf trusts Dean and Holden. I'm having a mental conflict and I have no idea what to do or who to believe." I let slip everything that's been clouding my brain.
Soul just laughs. A booming, scary laugh, that has the hair on my arms standing on end.
In a flash, he's on top of me, restraining my hands above my head.
"Oh dear. I thought I actually had a while with you before you started getting worried. Damn! Well, maybe I'll have you one last time before I kill you... or maybe we can make this more exciting!! Ooh, now I'm having fun!"

My Dom or My Mate?
RomanceADULT CONTENT! DO NOT READ IF UNDER 18!! This is a story of love and desire, Passion, sex and a whole lot of BDSM! When confusion clouds your brain, what way do you turn?? Do you follow your heart or your urges? Which leads to the question: MY DOM O...