Wow to the response and dedication to this story!!
I couldn't chose between two comments for my dedication, so if I can.. I want to dedicate this chapter to two people:
briannasmom & KaylaMarieWeiss
One made me giggle and one made me smile. XX
Written during my operation recovery: apologies for bad spelling etc.
High as a kite on pain relief! Lol
Took me over 6 hours to write cos I kept drifting off to sleep. Lol. Diclofenac is an amaaaaaaazing drug! Lol.
Chapter 32
I Won't Give Up!
Dean POV
Leaving Lizzie on her own felt wrong. It felt like I was doing something entirely destructive..
Just sat outside, Holden and I were sat there outside the room.. I'm unsure of what to do or say.
When all of a sudden, this sharp pain stabbed at my neck.
I gasp, and grab at my neck; Holden does the same thing. We look at each other with wide eyes,
"Lizzie." We both whisper.
Jumping up, we rush into the room; the machines are bleeping wildly.
"LIZZIE!" Holden roars.
I just take in the scene as doctors and nurses pile in to the room;
Scissors in Lizzie's neck, a sharp knife implement in her chest!
Did she do this to herself?
Or was it an accident?
I have no idea but god I won't give up on my mate, my fiancé. My woman, my life!
"Lizzie, please make it through this! We'll make it better! We'll do everything you ask of us! Please?" Holden whispers as tears streak his face.
We are both pulled out of the room; I don't fight because there's nothing left of me to fight with.
All that my mind is centred around is one word; Lizzie.
It's like Lizzie is my sun, my gravitational pull is towards her and I can't live without that pull, that need; the addiction.
I am numb.
I feel like nothing holds me anymore.
I want to die.
What the fuck is going on?
Where is Lizzie and why is it taking so long?
Why can't I feel her?
Or her wolf for that matter?
She can't be dead!
We'd know!
We would feel the connection, the bond fade away.
I know we would.
We are linked.
Then all of a sudden, something pops into my head, and obviously Holden's too as he gasps,
'Guys? I need you!'
I'm on my feet by the time those beautiful words sound.
We both run into the hospital room to see Lizzie laying there with tubes and wires everywhere; her eyes open, tears streaming.

My Dom or My Mate?
Любовные романыADULT CONTENT! DO NOT READ IF UNDER 18!! This is a story of love and desire, Passion, sex and a whole lot of BDSM! When confusion clouds your brain, what way do you turn?? Do you follow your heart or your urges? Which leads to the question: MY DOM O...