Love Is Toxic~Yandere! Scarecrow X Hero!Reader

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You defeated another crook who'd been sent by the Joker to take you down,wanting to prove to your older brother Batman that you were a hero worthy of courage and a heroic saviour. As you ran round another corner,a deep and chilling laugh could be heard from all around you in the gigantic halls of Arkham Asylum. "Show yourself Jonathan Crane...this isn't funny!" You yelled sternly,showing no signs of fear,fists tightly balled up. "Oh sweet little (Y/N), trying to play the hero and save the day...give in already my dear and let me show you what true love really is." He replied,his deep gravelly voice laced with lust before appearing behind you. You didn't get a chance to react before he sprayed you with his infamous fear gas,used to make his victims more fearful of him.

After a few minutes of coughing and spluttering,you noticed he disappeared before walking onwards,wondering about the fear gas since Batman never told you about the effects that it could cause. Upon reaching the greenhouse area,which Poison Ivy usually resides in,You sauntered inside to get a few better clues,not knowing of the plant lady's corpse which had been hanged from the glass ceiling by one of her own plants,blood dripping from her lifeless body onto your head...which was a sign that the fear gas was taking effect. "Wha-what's happening?" You said to yourself in a panicky voice,looking around to see hallucinations of Bruce,Alfred,Barbara Gordon And Commissioner Gordon. "G-guys?!" You hoarsely croaked Out,feeling the tears cascading from your masked eyes.

"Don't let us die." The fake Barbara Gordon spoke,mouth caked in crimson blood..."Don't betray us." The fake Alfred piped up,eyes ripped out before the hallucinations disappeared. " no no...c-come back guys!" You cried,collapsing to your knees in defeat but unaware that Scarecrow was behind you,covered in blood and a wicked smirk on his face. "Let then go my dear (Y/N),they weren't worthy of your time." He spoke into your ear which caused you to go feral. "You sadistic freak...I can't believe you killed them!!!" You screamed at him,throwing punches and many kicks,which he avoided with surprising ease before he hit you,causing you to fall to the ground and he violently yanked your hair. "Well it's too late now (Y/N) there isn't anybody for you to turn to anymore!" He roared,causing you to cower.

[This Chapter Was Requested By @123shanno ]

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