•chapter ten•

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katie's pov

"ok i guess we gotta hang with this weirdo now" i said jokingly while pointing at bryce

bryce over dramatically brought his hand to his heart and dripped his jaw while pretending to be hurt

"okay what do you guys wanna do?" jaden asked

"we could make tik toks" nessa suggested

"dude we've been doing that our whole trip" bryce said with a laugh

it's true though. we make tik toks all the time since we are at playlist

"how about we play hide and seek?" jaden suggested

"are you five" josh said making us all laugh

"i think that's a great idea" i said looking at jaden making him blush for some reason

me and jaden just kept staring at each other with smiles on our faces

"haha ok love birds stop it." bryce said. i had just noticed the room was silent and everyone was looking at me and jaden. we both snapped out of it and we were red with embarrassment

"haha okay yea so let's do hide and seek" jaden said trying to break the awkward tension between everyone

"y'all are weird. but let's go" josh said as he and nessa got up and went to the door. me, jaden, and bryce followed them and we all went down to the lobby

"okay what are the rules" i asked as we all stood together in the lobby, which i'm guessing will be the counting spot

"okay so you have to stay in the hotel, you can't go in any rooms, and the first person to be found is the next seeker. oh and the people who are found first can't help the seeker. got it?" jaden explained

we all replied with nods and such

"we should do teams" bryce suggested

"there's an un even number idiot" josh said to bryce

"well jaden and his 'angel' can go together, you and nessa can go together, and i'll count first. so then when the next person counts, we switch teams" bryce explained with putting air quotes around the word 'angel'. did bryce hear jaden call me angel?

"ok idiot well do that if you want" nessa said to bryce and we all laughed

"ok i'll stay here for 2 minutes before i come don't u guys" bryce said while getting out his phone and going to the stopwatch app

"one...two....three....four-"bryce started but got cut off cuz he was going slow as hell

"oh my god idiot. GO" josh said

josh and nessa ran off somewhere and jaden grabbed my hand and started pulling me somewhere

"i know the perfect spot princess" he said while looking back at me while we were running

i blushed at what he called me and he continued to hold onto my hand

we went up to the very top of the hotel, and we managed to get up on the roof. it wasn't too hard since parties are usually held on this roof for the hotel so it was easily accessible

"ok, now we just wait" jaden said as he sat down on one of the large power boxes that were on the roof

i sat on the on right across from it and our knees were touching

"so how long has it been since we left bryce?" i asked

"about..five minutes" jaden said while looking at his phone

i nodded my head and there was sort of a silence before jaden said something

"so are we gonna talk about it?" jaden asked

i knew he was talking about the kiss. honestly i don't really know what we would talk about. like will it lead to anything?

"what do you mean" i said trying to get him to say what i don't wanna say first (ok idk if that makes since lmao)

"well.....did you um..mean to?" jaden asked while avoiding eye contact with me and scratching the back of his head

"honestly.." i started then looked at jaden who had a worried look on his face ", i did" i finish.

jaden looks at me with a huge smile on his face

bryce's pov

the two minutes was over and i stared leaving the lobby until someone called my name from the doors

"bryce! hey bryccee!" they called

i turned around and saw... mads

oh shit. this is not good.

i put on a fake smile and went up to her

"heyyy mads" i said in an awkward tone

"hey loser, where's katie?" she asked

"oh, did you come to surprise her?" i asked

"yea! i'm so excited, so where is she?" she asked again

"oh we're all playing hide and seek so i was just about to go look for them" i said

"them?" she asked

"her and jaden are on a team" i said with a worried look on my face

her smile dropped a little but she quickly put it back on

"well, i'm just here to see katie, i will not let jaden ruin that for me" she said

"i'll help you find them" she said before i could say anything else

"o-ok" i said

"so how are you gonna find them?" mads asked whole we walked to the elevator

"oh those dumbasses forgot that our whole group has a life360 thing so i was just gonna look on there" i said while opening life360 on my phone

"omg you're such a cheater. but do you see them?" she asked while looking at my phone too

i saw that nessa and josh were in some storage closet, and jaden and katie were on the roof.

even though josh and nessa were closer, me and mads headed straight to the roof since mads wanted to see katie

jaden's pov

after i stared into katie's beautiful eyes,
i decided i'd try and kiss her again because it felt like that type of moment

i leaned my closer to her and out my hand on her cheek

i smirked and she smiled before i pulled her towards me and connected our lips.

i got the same feeling i had when i kissed her before, and damn, i love that feeling.

just as we were kissing, the door to the roof opened



hey guys lmao! i'm sorry for not updating yesterday, it's just this stupid online class shit and i just got busy.

so some of the ideas in this chapter came from Dareana908 and LINASKALLI06 so creds to them!!

word count: 1083

stay tuned🥺

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