Thank You!!

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I want to thank everyone who has read, voted, and shared their thoughts on my first story on Wattpad. Each and every one of you are appreciated more than you know.

I want to give a special shoutout to a couple people that have been pivotal to motivating me to share more of my writings, as well as a few other thank you's.

Firstly, thank you to Bourne_Endeavour for being the first to ever read this story—back in 2018 when I wrote the original reworked version. Thank you for giving me honest feedback, and for all of the deep discussions we had regarding character development and plot.

Thank you to my other friend Ken (who does not have a Wattpad), who also read this story in the span of a few hours. That I was able to create something so intriguing and enrapturing that you couldn't put it down still surprises me. Your support in reading all future works is also much appreciated.

I want to thank two other friends that don't have a Wattpad—Moro and Vanille—for reading the 2018 version of this story...even though it wasn't really their cup of tea! And for offering their opinions, praise, and criticism.

Thank you to my fiancé for also reading and supporting this story—and for encouraging me to post it on Wattpad. And also thank you for going behind me and proofreading it, and catching the tiny mistakes I missed.

Thank you to IMZoetic for all the comments and DMs you sent me, giving me support and showing your love for Gloria and Daniel's story. It honestly kept me going during the small moments where I was saddened to see no new readers! Haha!

Thank you to _botanical_ for their support of this book. It made me happier than you know to see you list it as one of your favorites in terms of Wattpad romance!

Thank you to averymarinoxo for suggesting I spice up my story blurb. I hope it continues to catch the eyes of more readers!

And, again—thank you to everyone else who has enjoyed this story!


For those who followed Gloria and Daniel to the end—fret not! This is not the end of their story! I have ultimately decided to move forward with my idea for a sequel, and I am currently writing it. The sequel is titled You and Me, and it takes place a year and a half after the events of Perhaps: during the summer before Gloria's senior year.

After I get a couple more chapters written and revised, I plan to start posting it on here—likely with a once-per-week posting schedule. I can always up this to twice-per-week if I get on a huge writing binge and churn out a ton of chapters in a short period of time.

In addition to this sequel, I also plan on releasing a collection of chapters in a novella titled Daniel. And—you guessed it!—this is a series of events from Perhaps and You and Me from Daniel's perspective! Just a nice little treat for my readers to have the opportunity to see things from his perspective. I'm honestly excited to write it, because the 2018 draft of Perhaps included the final scene from his perspective as a bonus chapter—and I really have a thing for writing companion pieces like this. Writing POVs from different characters in a story is something I've always enjoyed doing.

Thank you all again!! I really cannot say it enough! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Perhaps (Book 1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now