Fangs X Reader

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It was late and I was about to close the bar, when I noticed someone was still here. It was my boyfriend Fangs. He was at the pool table practicing to try and beat Sweet Pea again. 

“Come on babe, I gotta close up.” I said walking over to him. 

“Just one more game, please?” He asked with puppy dog eyes. 

“What’s in it for me?” I asked crossing my arms and he smiled. 

“What about a game of strip pool?” He suggested smirking. I thought about it for a moment then smirked. 

“Deal.” I said getting a cue stick and walking up the table as he set it up. 

“Ladies first.” He said removing the triangle. I leaned over the table, giving him the perfect view of my ass in my jeans and smacked the cue ball. I watched it as it hit the other colorful balls, but none went in. 

“I hope you put on one of your sexy black sets today, because I’d love to see that tonight.” Fangs said as he went to take his turn. Fangs locked his eyes on the seven balls and took his shot. He sunk it then smirked at me. 

“One down, start stripping babe.” He said and I rolled my eyes. I took off my Serpent jacket and smirked at it. 

“You just made it easier for me to shoot.” I winked and he rolled his eyes. 

“Whatever you say babe, I’m solids.” He said moving around the table to get a good shot on the four ball. Fangs hit it, but he hit it too hard and it bounced out of the hole. I giggled and walked over to take a shot at the fifteen ball. I aimed and sunk it into the middle left pocket with a smirk. 

“Time for you to lose some layers baby.” I said and took off his jacket too, that when I noticed he was wearing one more layer than me and I narrowed my eyes at him. 

“You cheater, you’re wearing your vest! That’s more than I have on!” I said and he laughed. 

“Will it make you happy if I lose that too?” He asked and I nodded. He shrugged his vest off and tossed it to the side with his jacket. I moved to the other side of the table and aimed at the ten ball, sinking it. 

“Lucky shot…” Fangs grumbled and I smirked. 

“Whatever you say baby.” I said as he took off his sneakers. I moved to aim at the twelve ball, but missed the shot. Fangs smirked and went to it the six ball that was right next to the two ball and he got both in. 

“Yes! That’s two!” He said happily and I sighed. 

“Fine.” I groaned and took off my shoes and socks. Fangs took his shot at the one ball and also got that in. 

“What!?” I asked shocked and he smirked. 

“Flannel off babe.” He said and I rolled my eyes. I took it off and tossed it with my stuff. He took aim at the four ball again and got it in. 

“Okay what the hell?” I asked crossing my arms. 

“I’ve been practicing.” He smirked as I lost my jeans. His smirk grew and winked at me. 

“I knew you’d wear it today.” He said and I rolled my eyes. 

“Just shoot.” I grumbled. He took aim at the five ball, but missed. I sighed and walked up to the table. 

“Finally.” I said and he laughed. I took aim at the twelve ball again and this time got it in. Fangs took off his socks and I sighed. I took my aim at the nine ball and got it in along with the fourteen ball.

“Like what you see babe?” He asked and I smiled. 

“I always do.” I winked back. I went back to the table and looked around, we were even and each only had 2 more balls to sink then the eight ball. We were doing it so once you were down to your underwear you wouldn’t have to lose the rest until the other person got the eight ball in. I picked the eleven ball next, but missed it. Fangs smiled and walked up to the table, he had the perfect shot for both balls. He aimed at the five first and got it in easily. I took off my shirt and there I was left in just my bra and underwear. 

“Two more and you lost.” He said with a wink. 

“Just shoot.” I said and he chuckled. He got the three in easily and I sighed, I totally lost. He lined up with the eight ball and smirked. 

“Eight ball corner pocket.” He called and hit it right in. 

“Yes! Lose the clothes!” He said and I rolled my eyes. I stripped my bra and underwear off and was now standing in the bar naked. Fangs walked over and pulled me to him. 

"You are so sexy babe.” He said and I smirked wrapping my arms around his neck. 

“Oh yeah?” I asked and he nodded. His lips found mine in a deep kiss. 

“I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you, right on that pool table.” He whispered in my ear. I moaned, feeling myself getting wet from his words. He picked me up and table and took off the rest of his clothes. He pushed his hard cock into my pussy and I moaned in pleasure. 

“Fangs!” I moaned and he smirked. 

“You’re so fucking sexy.” He said pounding me, which made the the balls that were still on the table clank together. He fucked me nice and fast until I came, then flipped me over so I was bent over the table. He roughly fucked me from behind and I moaned loudly as he filled me up. 

“I know you like it hard babe, take it!” He moaned and grabbed my hair. 

“Yes! Fuck yes!” I moaned gripping onto the table. He grabbed my neck squeezing which made me feel so good. My pussy tightened around his cock and he groaned in pleasure. He fucked me harder and the table moved slightly, we’d have to move it back before we left. 

“Oh fuck babe, I’m gonna cum!” He moaned and I felt myself about to cum too. As he slammed into me one last time I moaned with pleasure as I came hard with him. He pulled out of me and I fell against the table breathing heavily. 

“Let me clean you up.” He said and went to the bathroom to get some towels. He came back and cleaned me up and helped me up. We got dressed and made sure everything was where it was supposed to be before leaving. 

“So, was that your plan all along?” I asked as we made our way to his bike. 

“Maybe.” He said getting on and smirking at me. 

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