Toni x Fem!Reader

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“Babe?” Toni asks as you walk into her trailer. 

“Yeah?” You reply, going into her bedroom so you can get changed. 

“Are you okay?” She asks and follows. 

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” You ask, stopping in front of the drawers that have some of your clothes in. 

“Because you were really quiet when we were hanging out with Sweet Pea and Fangs and usually you’re the loudest out of them.” She replies and wraps her arms around your waist. Taking a deep breath you grab whatever clothes are in front of you and wiggle out of her grip, moving to the other side of the room. She looks at you confused before grabbing some pajamas for herself. “Babe?” She asks and puts some shorts on. You’re facing away from her in the corner of the room getting changed. “Whats up?” 

“I’m fine.” You shrug and continue to get dressed. You’re about to put your pajama shirt on but Toni beats you to it, taking it from your hands and turning you to face her. 

“Come on. I know when something’s wrong. We’ve been dating for two years.”

You sigh before giving in. “I dunno. Today I just didn’t feel very confident when we were out with your friends. Especially when Cheryl turned up, she just looks amazing in everything she wears and she isn’t curvy like me, every piece of clothing fits her perfectly and stuff hangs off me awkwardly and I just didn’t feel very pretty.” You admit, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 

“Baby.” Toni’s expression is sympathetic as she pulls you into a hug. “You are the prettiest woman in the world, especially to me and I love all your curves. They’re one of my favorite things in the world. Just because Cheryl looks good doesn’t mean you don’t, and unless your forgetting, I’m dating you, not Cheryl. I couldn’t care less what she wears. But everything you wear makes me happy because you always look so cute. I wish you could see how you look from my perspective because you are gorgeous and I love every single thing about you.” She reassures you, peppering kissing on your face making you giggle. You shake your head and are about to argue but she cuts you off with a kiss, pressing you against the wall behind you. “How about I show you?” She asks, pulling away breathlessly. You nod quickly and she smirks before connecting her lips to your again. You pull away again and she grabs your hand, pulling you towards the bed. She pushes you gently so you’re laying down and she soon joins you, straddling your lap. She looks at your bare chest and smiles  “You’re so beautiful.” She mumbles before dipping her head down to kiss you.

Her hands make their way up your body, gently caressing your skin, leaving a fire as they go. They stop to squeeze your boobs and you moan quietly in her mouth making her smirk. Her fingers play with your nipples, making you pant. She kisses down your jaw, to your neck and then your chest leaving dark marks wherever she can. 

“T.” You moan and she looks up at you. Your eyelids are heavy with lust and she smiles at you innocently. “I have people to see tomorrow and there is no way I’m going to be able to hide these.” You complain and she laughs. 

“Are you really complaining?” She asks and you shake your head making her laugh louder. “Thought so.” She replies and continues to leave marks on your body. After teasing you for a few minutes she sits up and admires her work. Your chest and neck is littered with hickies that not enough makeup in the world could cover and you roll your eyes playfully at her. “I’m gonna show you how beautiful you are.” She reassures you, kissing you sweetly. Her fingers trace the curves of your body and she places delicate kisses as she makes her way towards the end of the bed. “You’re perfect.” She mumbles against your skin and you blush at both the compliment and the heat of her lips. You smile lazily at her and she returns it before placing a gentle kiss on your clit. Your lips part slightly, a small gasp escaping them and she giggles. “You okay?” 

“Yep.” You nod and she kisses you again. Her lips ghost over your core, before she licks a stripe up to your clit. 

“Fuck.” You moan and she smiles before alternating between licking and sucking. Within minutes you’re a moaning, writhing mess underneath her. 

“You are so fucking hot.” She mumbles against you and you moan loudly, your hand tangling in her hair and pulling making her moan. Her fingers tease your hole for a seconds before she inserts two making you moan loudly. 

“Fucking, fuck. Toni.” You moan and she pumps her fingers in an out of you quickly. It doesn’t take long until you feel you orgasm bubble. Toni can tell your close so she moves her fingers faster, sucking harder on your clit. “I’m gonna cu-” Your orgasm cuts you off and your thighs shake around her head as you cum on her fingers. She pulls away after you have finished, a smile on her face as you lie breathless. She makes her way back up the bed and lies beside you, planting a sweet kiss on your lips.

“I love every bit of you. Curves and all. I always will.” 

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