Chapter 3

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We were back at my house. It was empty. Cold. Quiet. And I was not used to it. Usually I got home when my mum was home and she would be doing something. Cooking. Cleaning. Watching TV. Talking to a friend. But this time, there was nothing. Just an eery silence. 

We had been to the morgue to ID her body which was one of the hardest things I'd ever done. I asked Sam and Dean to stay there with me which they happily did. The local cops were confused as to why I was clinging to them so badly and I just explained they were family friends. That was the best I could do. Fortunately, lying came easily to me so I had no trouble passing it off as the truth.

"Uh, I'm going to go to bed. You guys can take the other rooms if you want." I offer and Sam nods before walking up the stairs to the guest bedroom.

"Hey, you OK?" Dean asks me and I shake my head, taking a shaky breath.

"No." I manage to get out and he smiles at sympathetically then holds me captive in a hug. Man, he gives good hugs I think to myself with a smile. "Uh, you can sleep in my room if you want. I'll be OK sleeping in my mums room." I say and he looks at me with pained sadness.

"No, I can sleep on the couch. That thing is comfy."

"Not for an 8 hour sleep it isn't. It's OK." I smile assuringly and he slowly nods, making his way up. I quickly go around and lock all the doors and turn off the lights then make my way to mums room. It was left how it was. Bed never made, clothes in the corner of the room that are supposed to be washed. The cupboard open as usual, never usually closed. Unless I was in there of course. It was then that I noticed how much it smelled of her. Her deodorant, her body wash and hair products that wafted in from her adjoining bathroom. This truly was her room. But now, she won't ever use it again.

Climbing under the sheets, I switch off the light and lie there, just thinking back to all the memories I had with her. The good, the bad, the ugly. All of it. Some of it making me chuckle with tears of joy and others making me cry because I knew I'd never get to make anymore memories. And with those thoughts I drifted off into a dreamless sleep with my mum being the last thought.

The next morning I woke up to light pouring through the still open curtains because my dumb ass forgot to close them. Groaning, I get up forgetting that I was in my mum's room and last night came flooding back to me, making me tear up. Pushing the thoughts aside for the moment, I get up and put my hair into a messy ponytail and walk down the stairs to see Sam and Dean making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Look at you two, already making yourselves at home." I mock and they just smile at me sympathetically. "Don't give me that look. God knows I'll get that enough for at least the next month." I tell them but the look doesn't go away, making me huff in defeat.

"A couple of people have already dropped by to send their condolences. And to give you food." Dean mentions and I nod, taking a bowl from the cupboard and digging into the family potato bake that a close family friend had dropped off. It was always my favourite.

"So, uh, what do you guys do exactly?" I mention carefully, waiting to see what they would say. Surely it would have to be somewhat important if they have to impersonate government officials.

"You don't want to know." Sam answers and I look at him.

"If I didn't want to know I wouldn't be asking. Spill." I demand and Dean looks at me, looking somewhat impressed. "Please." I quickly add and the brothers give each other a look before nodding. 

"Uh OK. There are things in the world that shouldn't exist. And we hunt them." Sam replies, being careful with the last part. I look at him blankly before looking very confused.

"What things?"

"Monsters." Dean says quickly and it takes everything in me to not spit out my drink. Monsters? I think to myself before I bust out laughing.

"Yeah sure." I say, still in giggles. "For real now please." I tell them but their faces say they aren't lying or joking. "Seriously?!" I shout and at this they smile. "Oh you've got to be kidding me." I say this mostly to myself but Dean chuckles at my remark.

"Yeah sorry but it's true." Dean tells me and I rub my head. I had already made the executive decision to not go to school today and I swear to god if they try to make me I will kill someone.

"So, you're in town because you think it was something... monstery... that killed my friend? And maybe my mum?" I ask them and they nod, looking at me sympathetically again.

"Yeah." Sam answers and I let out a huff of breath.

"OK. Well, have fun with that. I'm going to go find out if I have any family in these United States before child services decide it's a good idea to send me to Australia." I tell them and they nod before sipping on their coffees, allowing me to walk off.

"Hey Kate!" I hear Dean shout and I turn around.


"Do you want one of us to stay here? Ya know? Just in case?" And I smile at the offer.

"Nah, I think I'll be good. Thanks though."

"OK well, we'll leave our numbers on the bench if you need anything." Sam tells me and I nod before heading back up to my mum's room and going to the unknowns of her cupboard to find out if she had any information on my dad. 

This is going to be tough.

Hey guys. Sorry I didn't update. For a little while I lost interest but I'm back. Most of my books nowadays are just because I feel like it so sometime's updates come quick and sometimes they don't. I'll try my best to punch out a few chapters. Thanks guys.

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