Chapter 4

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I had been sorting through my mums things and so far nothing on my dad. It was as though she had been lying all these years when she said she knew him. There had to be something to contact him with though. Unless the cops were already on it. Then again, the morning hadn't been very productive. People kept coming to the door with casseroles and various desserts, most of it being pie. I still didn't understand why people sent their sympathies with food. Seriously. Like thanks Karen for the pasta. I'm sure this will make me feel better about my mum being dead. Seriously?

I also had to call Sam and Dean to get me some drinks because we were fresh out of everything other than water. Their reactions when I called though was pretty funny. They thought I was dying and I was only dying of thirst. 

Currently, I'm sitting in the lounge, eating some more of the potato bake from this morning and watching TV. I decided to put some Captain America on, seeing as that whole trilogy is one of my favourites in the Marvel world. I was a good way to check out of reality. 

"Kathryn!" I hear Sam shout.

"In here!" I shout back and the boys find me in my spot on the couch. Dean smiles.

"Which one?" He questions. I smile.

"Winter Soldier."

"Nice." I grin and turn back to the TV and pausing the movie to let them talk.

"Any success?" I question.

"Uh yeah. We're pretty sure it's a werewolf." At this I laugh.

"A werewolf? Oh this keeps getting better." I giggle. I still couldn't believe monsters are real. The boys go to speak again but I stop them. "Wait. Lemme guess. Silver kills them?" I ask and they nod before I let out some more giggles. 

"Yeah. Generally they rip out people's hearts. But we wanted to ask you something." Sam says calmly and I look at him curiously before slowly nodding my head.

"OK? Shoot."

"Is there anyone who would want to hurt you? It seems as though everyone around you keeps dying." Dean states and I look down, overwhelmed but the events of the past month.

"Uh, not that I know of. I mean. Yeah sure there's people who don't particularly like me and vice versa but it's just stupid high school drama. It's nothing serious." I pass of but the boys look at each other. 

"Who are these people?" Dean asks me, suddenly very serious.

"Uh, well, there's a girl named Teagan. Total bitch and we've never really liked each other so I just ignore her. She surely can't be capable of murder though. Right?" I suddenly feel unsure and not as safe as I used to be.

"Well, Sam will check that out and I am going to stay here. Make sure you're OK until we get to the bottom of this. OK?" Dean asks me and I nod. Knowing that there was no way in hell I oculd get him to leave now.

Dean throws Sam his keys and Sam walks out, leaving me and Dean to our own devices. In front of me in the lounge was a few things of my mum's I still had yet to sort out.

"Found anything on your family?" Dean asks me and I shake my head.

"Nope. Just a crap ton of regrets. I found a few of her journals but none of them have any possible contacts." I tell him.


"All the names I already know." I reply and he nods his head.

"Mind if I grab some food? I'm starving." He states and I nod my head.

"Yeah sure. Some people also dropped off some pies so..." But I didn't get to finish my sentence before he's racing for the kitchen. Guess he likes pie. 

While sorting through the pile I come across another journal. This one looks a little older and a lot more thicker than the others, making me curious as to what made this one so special. Opening it, a small picture falls out of it. It was a picture of an ultrasound. On the back were the words :

My baby. 3 months.

I smile at the photo, realising it was me. Tears well in my eyes before I blink them back and continue going through the journal. On the very last page there was a small note.

My dearest Kathryn,

If you're reading this you either got into my stuff or I'm dead. If it's the latter I'm so sorry. I should have done better. I know you aren't ready for the real world but trust me. I know you will be OK.

You have always been curious about your father and I tried my best to keep him from you but now you need to go to him. Find him. Do whatever it takes. I never should have deprived you of knowing him. It was wrong of me. Call the number on the back of this page and tell him my name. I know he'll help you.

Stay strong my gorgeous. I know you'll do great things. I love you.

Love, mum.

This time I couldn't stop the tears from blurring my vision. Dean had witnessed all this, happily eating his pie until I started crying. The he stopped and gently held me, allowing me to cry onto his shoulder. All the events of the past 12 hours quickly catching up to me. My mum was gone. There was nothing I could do. And all I needed was a hug. A hug to make me feel safe. A hug to make me feel as though everything in the world was going to be OK. And that is exactly what this hug felt like. 

"I uh, I guess I should go call this number." I say quietly, mostly to myself but Dean nods and lets go. Allowing me to go to the kitchen to grab my phone and dial the number written on the page. After a few rings, a familar voice answers and my eyes widen.

"Hello?" They answer.


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