Chapter 8

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So, we had figured out that Dean has decided to lose his memory, somehow. The initial giveaway was the fact that he forgot his own name, which he also admitted was weird, then he called a lamp a light stick. In his defence, it was a very fancy lamp. And he also forgot Bon Jovi's band so there's that.

Sam called Rowena for her opinion on what could be wrong and she showed up at the mention of a powerful spellbook. Shocking!

"Dean, I'm hungry." I mention to Dean who is currently stuck watching Scooby Doo as though he has never seen it, although he probably thinks he hasn't. "Dean." I say again but he doesn't respond. I roll my eyes. "Dean!" I shout and he looks at me confused.

"What? I'm watching this talking dog. He's so funny." He says with a wide grin, making me smile.

"I'm hungry. And his name is Scooby Doo." I say, pointing to the TV. Then realise what he said. Does he still know who I am?

"Do you still remember you're my dad?" I ask him, making Sam and Rowena turn around, looking concerned and equally curious.

"I have a daughter?" He says shocked, turning me into the same state. He doesn't know who I am. I think to myself.

"Uh yeah. And she's pretty awesome." I pass off and he smiles.

"Well, I can't wait to meet her." He says and I smile but it disappeared as soon as it appeared. You've known her for a while. 

"Sam, can I have some cash? I'm starving." I tell him and he nods before giving me a 20 and sending me on my way, whilst making me promise to get him a salad, for whatever reason. 

Currently, Sam and I are at the Lachlan house where we have to get past the butlers and men to get inside. Sam had gone over the plan with me to make sure that I understood what I have to do. I haven't shot my gun much so this could be interesting. As long as I don't shoot Sam though it should be right, yeah? Oh god this could be bad.  

"Alright, you remember what I said?" Sam asks me and I nod.

"Yep, shoot when you do. Questions first." I think we all know what Dean would do if he was here. They did erase his memory after all. And no, I wasn't on board with this plan. They made my dad forget me, of course I want revenge. The plan was that Sam and I were going to get the spell recite it back to Rowena who will perform the spell and hopefully Dean goes back to normal. That was the plan, now it just needs to work. 

Once we get inside after taking down some goons, Sam calls Rowena so that she hear everything that is going on to get this spell on the road as quick as possible, then puts his phone in his jacket pocket to stay discreet.

Once we reach the top of a staircase, we see some chick pinning a butterfly to a board and it takes everything in me to not shoot her just for that alone. It's a butterfly, leave it alone. Then I see the dead body in the middle of room.

"These people are nuts." I whisper so quietly that I'm surprised Sam heard it.

"Yeah tell me about it." He replies before going into the room, me following close behind, guns raised. The girl turns around and my heart starts pounding. I'm usually not in these situations so this is scary.

"This gun is full of witch killing bullets. So why don't you open up your grimwoire and give us the antidote to the memory spell." Sam requests but it's more of a polite demand. She just smiles.

"I wanted to go after you but Boyd said why bother. They'll come. They always come." She replies and I glare at her. Then she turns back to her butterflies, making Sam and I very annoyed.

"We aren't going to ask again." I speak up, my voice surprisingly steady given the sheer panic coursing through my system. Then I hear a voice and before I knew it, I'm flying through the air and hitting the bookcase behind me, making me groan in pain before blacking out. 

When I awake, I'm bound in a chair with Sam by my side. The guy from - I presume- earlier is now in the room and the girl no longer able to be seen and is prepping the spell to bring his brother back. Sam is also awake.

"You know, necromancy is never a good idea." I say sarcastically, making the guy turn around before looking back at his spell and crystal, I don't know.

"Well, well. Look who's awake." He says in a monotone voice and I roll my eyes. While this interaction is happening, I'm trying to free my hands from the bonds to get out but the next sentence out of the guys mouth makes me freeze.

"What, swapping your soul for his? I'm afraid I do." Crap. I try to work faster at getting my hands free in order to at least punch this bastard before he kills my uncle. No-one hurts my family and gets away with it scott free. 

Eventually, both Sam and I spring free just as he witch runs out of the room after realising the situation and runs down the stairs where I see Dean, looking pretty confused. But when he sees Sam and I emerge, he points the gun at us.

"No, no. Brother," Sam points at himself; "Daughter," pointing at me then finally; "witch." Then, with no hesitaiton, Dean points the gun at he witch and pulls the trigger, hitting him square in the chest, making him fall to the ground with a thud. Dean, looking rather proud, gives a smirk with a thumbs up, making us laugh.

Rowena got Dean's memory back and was leaving while Dean and I were cleaning up the room, ready to leave. I was pretty much silent.

"Hey kiddo. You good?" Dean asks me and I nod, still packing my bag to make everything fit. "Don't lie." He says sternly and I look at him.

"How do you know I'm lying? I might just not feel like talking."

"Because I lie professionally." Dammit.

"Just, that was the first big case where something actually happened and I got scared. And I'm pretty sure I have a major concussion." I say, making him chuckle at the last part.

"Can I tell you something?" I nod, urging him to go on.

"You can't get rid of me that easy." He smiles before giving me a hug and kiss on top of the head. I don't care how old you are, you always need that father figure. Then I knew.

"I love you dad." I comment and he hugs me tighter but I could practically see the grin lighting up his face.

"I love you too sweetheart."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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