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3rd person p.o.v

February 25, 1764

Today is (Y/n) birthday and George Washington was spending time with his daughter and saw that his daughter is special. She speaks English, Spanish, French and more. She could speak 6 languages and plays the piano, violin, he cello, and the clarinet. She started to write at age of 4, started t play the instruments at the age of 5 and started to talk at the age of 3 and a half. She lives in a beautiful view of Mount Vernon.

(Y/n) is outside playing and saw a lonely boy and ask, "Hello, may I ask a question?" she asked trying to be polite since her father taught and expected her to be an educated young lady. "Sure," he said and she saw he was lonely and can't take away from her eyes from his. She never saw a beautiful blue eyes. "Do you want to play with me?" she asked and seems to be happy. "May I ask, how old are you?" She asked seems he's a little older than her. "Well today I'm 10" he said and asked the same question,"I'm 8 and today is my birthday too." She said with a surprise face. The two of them decided to do something on their birthday and even play a little.

Later in the evening...

"Thanks for playing with me, it was fun" (Y/n) said happily and made a new friend since she was lonely because her father was working the continental army and preparing for the American Revolution. "May I ask what's your name?" The boy asked. "(Y/n)" she said and asked, "What's your name?" Before he could answer (Y/n) saw her mother running to her and said, "(Y/n), your father is home," her mother said. When (Y/n) heard the news she said to her new friend, "I'm sorry, I have to go since I haven't seen my father for an awhile," she said hurriedly. "It's fine, family is always important," he said. Before she left she said, "I will see you tomorrow where we met, bye," she left. Before he could say something he murmured softly, "I hope I could see you in the future (Y/n), sorry I won't see you tomorrow."

When (Y/n) came home she hugged her father tightly and said, "Father, I missed you!" She said excitedly. George knows that he comes home, most importantly when it's her birthday. "Me too, (Y/n). Now, let's have dinner and have some of your favorites," he said happy to see daughter. While the family was having a great dinner her father asked, "How does it feel to 8, dear?" "It's weird and soon I'll be a grown lady," she said while eating. "Sweetie, don't talk with your mouth full," her mother said. "Sorry mother, I was just excited since dad is here with you and me," (Y/n) said. It was late at night, (Y/n) knew her father is going to leave again and wanted to play the piano for him tomorrow.

Next day

(Y/n) went to the same place she met her new friend. She was waiting patiently and waited fr an hour or 2. Maybe he's coming late, right? she thought. But, in the end it was 5 hours when she waited and started to cry. She ran home went to her room and cried in her bed until she fell asleep. When she woke up, she went downstairs and saw her father reading. She went up to him and asked, "Father, may I talk to you?" she said sadly "Sure darling, come" he said. She went to him and sat at his lap and started talking, "Have you ever been sad once dad?" "Why are you asking?" She doesn't her father to know what happened earlier today. She said she wanted to know since she isn't going to have this type of conversation in the future. George didn't want her to know what he's sad of and said to his daughter, "(Y/n), can you play something in the piano since I'm not going to be able to see you in an awhile". She nodded and started to play Bach. She'll never forget the boy with blue eyes but in the future, she never expects from him. She won't forget her first friend and the one. Before she went to sleep she read the letter he left:
Dear (Y/n),
By the time you see this letter, I wanted to say thank you for being friends with me. Even though I have to move to, I'm glad I got to meet you. I hope we get to see eachother in the future. Thanks for your friendship.
Your friend,
Ben T.
After she read the letter, she sleep soundly and hoping to see him soon.

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