Chapter 4: 2030 unchartered Island 1:30pm

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"Right Allen, I think is about time I tell you about one of you powers" Leroy tells me, I roll my arm beckoning him to continue "OK, well your main slash strongest power is your ability to pretty much steal the right side of a persons brain and use it to create almost anything imaginable, but ahh it happens make it so people can't make original things or dream, stuff like that, so... just don't do it on me" I nod "it appears you do have some uh... What would we call, creativity? Left" he tells me "ummm... I start cos I can't think of anything, Leroy seems to understand "think of something, anything and imagine in your hand(s), first off start small, like a shoe" I nod and start to imagine on of those awesome new converse I saw yesterday, well technically 21 years and a day ago. I knitted my eyebrows in concentration, eventually a bright orange converse rests on my palm "cool" I say in awe, then I get an idea and make the other on appear on my foot "your doing really well Allen" Leroy tells me.

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