Chapter 6: 2031, unchartered Island, 9:00am

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"So..." I start "how do you teleport? Well Allen, you have to imagine yourself in a place and you should appear behind me Leroy states, I nod in agreement. I frown in deep concentration, so I was told, after Leroy had pulled me out of the water "how'd you get here?" He asked. I told him the waves were distracting and I couldn't concentrate on teleporting behind him. "Ok he said after a while "let's try inside".

After about 30 odd attempts I managed to appear behind Leroy "yes!" I shout in triumph, Leroy chuckles "about time, eh?"
"Shuddup" I say, hitting him on the shoulder lightly. "Tomorrow we can try teleporting up serval floors" I'm told as we both walk to our rooms.

"You ready?" Leroy asks after a bite of toast. I nod meakly. It took us a while to put on my safety suit, y'know just incase I get stuck in the floor or somethin'. Leroy hands me a photograph of the floor just above us "when you're ready" he tells me. It felt like forever but I eventually felt myself appearing at the exact spot I thought of, Leroy comes up not long after and I give him a massive grin and tell 'im "first try."

"Going up double floors?" I ask after he escorts me back to the bottom floor, he gives me a thumbs up "correct!" he smiles and hands me a pic' of the corresponding floor. "Next it'll be 3 then 4 and the back again, the I 'spose we'll call it a day" he says moments before I telport to the 3rd floor.

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