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After seeing the remains of her house, they had a long car ride filled with lots of wheezing and poor attempts at conversation that mainly consisted of Poe's job and the bank. She didn't enjoy it, however. She wanted to have more time to mourn, but instead, he insisted she go to Prufrock right away. Once they finally got there she looked up at the towering Prufrock Preparatory School. He instructed her to wait at the benches until the vice principal wanted to see her.

She underestimated how long that might take. She sat for forever listening to horrible violin playing and clicks in the hallway before she even saw signs of life.

She watched two small groups of kids eventually come to sit at the benches. One group both in maroon uniforms, one boy and one girl. They both smiled at her, seemingly sympathetic, before sitting down at a bench a little further away. Then not too much later, a group of three kids in normal clothes sit on the bench in front of her. One boy with glasses, just a little taller than the girl stood beside him. Her long, brown locks flowing down her back. In her arms, a small toddler with blonde locks, tied into a ponytail right on the top of her head.

"Hello. I'm Violet Baudelaire, and these are my siblings Klaus and Sunny." the girl says.

"I'm Aileen Sinclair." she introduced. "Wait I'm sorry, did you say Baudelaire?" she asks. They look at her confused.

"Yeah? Have you heard of us?" Klaus asks, turning towards his sisters.

"Mr. Poe talked about how much 'trouble' you are when he told me that my parents died..." she explained.

"You're an orphan?" Klaus asks. She nodded. The group talked for seemingly hours before a tapping noise clacks up in front of the group.

"Hello, cake-sniffers!" she says, looking up at the group.

"Hello, umm..." Aileen says, looking at the girl from head to toe. She was shorter than Aileen and wasn't wearing a uniform like the rest of the school students. Instead, she wore a bright pink dress with a ruby red broach that clashed her flaming orange hair.

"'Um...?' Are you a blithering idiot? Everyone knows I'm Carmelita Spats." she responds. Aileen backed away. She never liked being called stupid, even though she knew she was probably smarter than the egotistical redhead. Violet introduces the group once again.

"I'm Violet Baudelaire, and these are my siblings Klaus and Sunny. This is Aileen Sinclair."

"What does 'cake-sniffer' mean?" Klaus asks. Carmelita scoffs.

"It means you're stupid cake-sniffers but I'm the most special girl in the entire school and I'm supposed to give you all a tour. This is Vice Principal Nero's office. He's a genius, and he likes me best. I don't even have to wear a uniform because I'm so adorable. Come on!" she says.

They travel down the halls and notice many kids staring at them following Carmelita. "Why are they all staring at us?" Klaus asks.

"Probably because we're new?" Aileen suggests.

"It's because your homes were destroyed in fires," Carmelita responds blatantly. "Faster cake-sniffers!"

She then guides them outside. "And this is the athletic field. Our gym teacher's coaching an away game, so I get to make people do jumping jacks whenever I want." Carmelita smirks. We find all four of us looking up at a sign above them.

"'Memento mori.'" Klaus reads.

"What does 'memento mori' mean?" Violet asks.

"Remember you will die."

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