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"I don't know what that building is. I never go in there." Carmelita says, barely looking at the library before her.

"It says, 'library'" Violet points out. "Only a cake-sniffer would notice something like that!" Carmelita snapped.

"It's very clearly designated..." Klaus said. Suddenly, the doors opened right before them. A woman in a yellow blouse and pencil skirt, with a large pile of books in hand, appears before them.

"Oh! Hello! You must be the new students I've heard so much about. The Baudelaires, right?" she asks. The people in question nod.

"I'm Aileen Sinclair-" Aileen begins. "You shouldn't talk to the library lady, because she smells weird." Carmelita interrupts.

"Carmelita, always a pleasure." the woman sighs. "Nice to meet you kids," she says, turning back to the orphans.

"A library is an island in a vast sea of ignorance," Klaus says to her. She smiles.

"Particularly if that library is tall and the surrounding area has been flooded." the librarian smiles. "Let's go!" Carmelita urges. "Well..." the librarian says, delicately placing the stack of books on her head. "Come visit." she smiles, shutting the library doors as she carefully walks back inside.


"Once again, here's Vice Principal Nero's office, where you all were supposed to be ten minutes ago. You're late." Carmelita smirks, looking up at the door that has Vice Principal Nero engraved in the shaded glass. "Ahem..." she says expectantly. "Ahem?" Violet asks. "Ahem," Carmelita repeats. "Thank... you?" Aileen says, still confused. "Thank you's not enough. It is traditional to give a special tour guide a tip at the end." Carmelita remarks. "A tip?" Klaus asks. "Yes! A Tip! Are you deaf and blind, cake-sniffers?" She asks, kicking the door behind her. Instantaneously, the Vice Principal opens the door and pops his head out.

"Who dares to interrupt a genius when he's rehearsing?" he asks.

"It's the Baudelaires and that other orphan. They're late for their appointment." Carmelita explains.

"How dare they be late! Thank you for telling me Carmelita. That's a beautiful broach, by the way." He compliments.

"Thanks! The original owner really liked it." She replies. She then marches off down the halls.

"What a lovely girl. Sweet as a butterscotch buttercup, and she has two living parents." He says. The group awkwardly stood outside the office, staring at each other. Behind them, the two children in the maroon leaned around the wall on the back of the bench to watch the exchange. Aileen turned and smiled back at them. "Well, come in. I don't have all afternoon." Nero ushers.

The orphans walk inside and once again stand in silence for a short time. "How do you do..?" Violet asks. Suddenly, Nero places his violin on his shoulder and begins to play. Aileen couldn't help but watch the bow, and how the hairs were falling out. Once he stopped, the children just stayed in silence. Insulted, he says, "When you hear an incredible performance, it is tradition to clap and cheer and yell 'bravo!'"

The children muttered various things. "Yay..." "Bravo.." He couldn't tell that it was all sarcastic. "Thank you, thank you very much. Welcome, new students... blah blah blah. My name is Vice Principal Nero, and my second-highest concern is that you uphold the strict standards here at Prufrock." Nero states, walking over to his desk that was all covered in papers except for one spot, where he placed his violin and bow.

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