Tomlison (chapter 1)

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Louis's POV

"You're bored aren't you?"
"I am not!" I scoffed from my hunched over position, towing over my phone.
"Then why have you been doing nothing but scrolling through random tweets for the past hour?" Niall whined.

Truth be told, I was bored, but I wasn't about to jump up and go on one of Niall's crazy adventures around the city.
Getting lost was the last thing I felt like doing. Getting lost and wasting a lot of gas.

"Go to the kitchen and make your self something to eat," I muttered, changing the topic.
"You're no fun," Niall muttered, but still getting up and heading to the kitchen, none the less.
I sighed as I heard the slams of the cabinet doors and the soft humming as he looked for food. "LOUIS THERES NOTHING GOOD TO EAT!" He yelled. "Niall your only a door frame away, you don't need to yell." "But this is an emergency, there really isn't anything good to eat!"
Everything was an emergency when it came to Niall and food. Heaven knows what he'll do without eating at least a chocolate bar every 15 minutest!
"We NEED to go to the mall," he begged, "no" I replied blankly, "PLEASE," he pleaded. I turned to see him on his knees, hands clasped together, as he pulled the most ridiculously outrageous puppy dog face. The problem was, it worked.

Less then ten minuets later, I was crawling into the drivers seat of my car and a happy Niall clapped his hands together with joy.
"You owe me after this," I warned, but he just ignored me.
So to the mall we went. It took at least 10 minutest with all the traffic, and by then Niall had consumed 7 granola bars and was littering my car with rappers.
"We're here," I grunted, getting out of the car. "Finally," I muttered under my breath.

We bought 6 bags of crisps, 2 boxes of chocolate bars, sodas, some fruit, noodles, and more.
Piling all of the food into at least 3 baskets, we waited in the checkout line. I saw some girls checking out Niall as we waited, giggling as he tried to juggle gum packets form the extra candy rack they always have by the magazines in the checkout line.
"Put those back," I snapped quietly, trying not to draw a lot of attention.
He grumbled and placed them back where he found them. I slapped his hand as he tried to sneak one into of our basket. I turned around a little too quickly, and nearly crashed into a tall, curly headed boy.
"Sorry," he said as he picked up what he dropped, putting it back into his basket. Then he smiled shyly, showing off his dimples, his bright green eyes shining. They were a very pretty green- Louis what are you thinking?
"Uh, that's fine," I stuttered, snapping out of my thoughts. He turned around to pay for his things, pausing, as if thinking about something before handing the lady his credit card.

"Next," the lady called, and I quickly stepped forwarded, dragging Niall along with me. "How much will that be?" I asked, digging through my wallet.
"The boy in front payed for your food." She replied.
I looked up, not quite sure I had heard correctly. "What was that?" I asked, just to double check.
"The boy in front payed for you. Curly hair, tall..." She repeated.
I turned to see him walk through the sliding doors, his curls bouncing with each step. He briefly looked back and saw me looking at him, then he flashed a smile and was gone.
"Well that was very kind of him," I said slowly, turning back to the cashier.
"Well have a grate day." She replied, as Niall grabbed two bags, and I took the other two.
As we walked back to the car, I looked around to see if the tall curly headed boy was still here somewhere, but he wasn't.
"I didn't even get to thank him." I thought.

{K, so sorry if this keeps updating randomly, it's probably because in order for this story to work I need to change Harry's personality a little more, and I keep reading over it and thinking, well that doesn't work, so sorry bout that}

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