-The audition-

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So this is my first story... yea tipical stuff. The story isin't like the ''original'' one but meh, it's a story, right? (I'll just try to put some real stuff in there if i can remember). But hope ye like it and comment for suggestions if you want :)) If there's any mistakes, it's bc i type fast and don't read but I'll do my best. I'll write when I have new ideas so this may take a while or not, dunno... anyways, have a nice lecture.


*Ringo's POV*

My hands were shaking, why you may ask? Beacause I was about to make an audition for this band that desperately needed a new drummer. Apparently their main one got kicked out or sometin'. His name was, uh I think, Pete Best. But back to me, here I stand in front of this, rather, lovely house in a mid-busy street. As always, I had my lucky drumsticks, not only they asked to bring them to the audition but beacause I always have them on me in case of ''emergency'' drumming? Why am I so nervous? It's only an audition, nothing to worry about, right? I just hope they're nicer than my other band, Rory Storm & The Hurricanes...ugh. We aren't that bad, I just can't stand Rory anymore... I just hope I do good. I really need it.

I knocked three time on, what seemed to be, a wooden door... Duh, Rings you're panicking too much. I guess I zoned out because I didn't even realise the door was opening. The door swung open carefuly and a boy stood in the door frame. He had a teddy boy look to him, he was a bit taller than me, well just taller than me, i'm not that hard to beat, and had a dark short, well placed, auburn hair, nice brown eyes, a more feminine-ish silhouette, nice looking clothes-- '''Ello? Can I help ye' lad?'' the boy asked, eyeing me up and down. His voice is deeper than I thought. My eyes shot up to the boy in front of me, like as I had broken something. Geez, am I scared of everything...

''Oh! uh, hey, I came to audition fo' the, um, drummer thingy'' I answered nervously. Nice one Ringo, now he'll think your some stutterin' git!  His face lit up with a warm smile.

''Ye look stressed as ever, yer 'aright?'' he giggled. 

''Yeah, jus' not used to audition.'' I half smiled to look confident. ''Oh and I brought 'me drumsticks.'' Do I look normal?

''Great! Come 'in, the drum kit is in tha' room ova' there'' he pointed to a room near the end of the big hallway.

I stepped inside the house and walked to the designated room. I was greeted by two other, more  stern-looking, boys. One looked tall and slim, had fine sheekbones and his short dark hair suited his figure nicely. The other lad had a stronger jawline and looked tougher, but still joyful. I've just seen them, why am I complimenting them like I knew them already? The first boy that i've seen entered the room after me and presented himself and the others.

''So, hey. 'M name's Paul, Paul McCartney.'' he took out his hand for me to shake it and took it gladly. Then continued ''The boy with the dark hairdo, ova' ther', 's George Harrison.''

''Hey.'' he said with a slight hand gesture. Doesn't look like much of a talker... Cute--Er, What!?

''And the bloke 'ova there 's John Lennon.'' he pointed to the other lad sitting in the chair next to, what seemed to be now, George.

'' 'Ello fella, how ye doin'?'' he said with the happiest grin i've seen, and stood up to shake my hand too. Am I making him this happy? Guess I was wrong about them being stern after all.

''Good, thanks.'' Is he gonna think i'm not empathic enough? Argh, quit foolin' around.

''Do ye 'ave a name?'' Paul joked, but somehow it made me even more nervous. Like I wasn't already.

'' 'M names, uh, R-Richard Starkey, but m-me friends call me Ringo... S-Starr.'' I stuttered anxiously. ''Y'know, 'cus I wear a lot o' rings... an', uh, for shorter... I guess.'' Nice one... Smooth.

'' 'S a nice name, Ringo, I like tha' '' George said out of nowhere . Somehow making me blush out of embarrassment. Get that stuff off of my face! The two others cocked their head in agreement. They seemed so happy, not like 'the others'... So to break the slightly-awkward tension, I said the first that came in my blurry mind ''Wha' tune are we playin'?'' whilst trying my best to look cool.

''Oh! Yeah, right!'' Paul said with a clap.

*After practice*

I think I did good, I mean, not to brag or anythin' but John did  say I was a 'natural'. And they kinda looked surprised, in my point of view. ...Oh god, what am I thinking, they'll never pick me... A shorty, big nosed queer bloke who looks like he's begging all the time. Before I left, they asked for my phone number. Y'know, in case I get to be the lucky one. It's never gonna happen...  I stepped outside the house and waved to the band goodbye and closed the door with a smile. As soon as the door closed, my face dropped, not because I wasn't happy but because I was so stressed out. I bet there's many people who made way better than me, I don't have a slight chance... 

I walked home and once I arrived, I went to my room. But still stopping to say 'Hello' to Elsie and Harry, my step dad. I went upstairs and arrived to my room, then plopped on the mattress. I let out a sigh of relief, like I was holding it in for a while. Where did that came from? Suddenly, Elsie called for dinner. I did as told and went downstairs to eat. The food wasn't as gourmet but it was still quite good. When I finished I went back up to take a shower. I just wanna rest, that audition took everything out of me. 

I turned the water on. While the water heated, I undressed and took a glance at myself on the mirror over the sink. What band could want any of me, I'm no good... well i'm IN a band but they only care for my drummin'. Not who I am. When the water was hot enough I hopped in and showered... like what you do in a shower normally. I looked down at myself, I thought of doing it. No. I don't know these people, they don't know me... but they looked so nice. What! NO, don't think of it one bit. I turned the shower off, dried myself and got dressed for the night. Wich was just a pair of boxers, I'm not going to prom, only goin' to sleep.  Soon as I laid on the bed, everything went pitch black. Guess I fell asleep.


oooh, stuff happenin' in there. Why am I making him so anxious :') Fisrt part out of, i dunno yet, i'll see how people like it or not... I'll maybe start on the second part in a bit, i got some ideas in mind. Comment some ideas if ye want. I already said it, danmit

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