-Old pals-

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* Two days later*

The time had finally came, I had to tell Rory what's up with my situation. How can I possibly sound confident over the phone... I think it was almost lunch time when I ringned him. I dialed his number with a shaky hand. Before I could put the last digit in, Elsie opened the door like I wasn't there. '' Mornin' ! Here's yer clothes. '' my heart probably skipped a beat.

'' T-thanks, 'g mornin' '' she then put the basket of clean clothes near the door before closing it. I let out a shaky breath before putting in the last digit.




'' Hello? '' There it is...

'' Hey, uh, it's Richard... '' I said quite anxious. '' I nee' to tell ya somethin' ''

'' Sure...? Wha' is it? '' he didn't sound convinced. You can do this, it's only a phrase, c'mon!

'' Ok, so the thing is... I ''

'' Spit it ou' already! '' he smiled through his words.

I took in a deep breath before letting out '' 'M quittin' the band! '' ...Where did that came from?

Silence... Is he still there, I mean the line hasn't cut dead yet... I knew this would be his reaction.

'' sigh... 'Aright then. '' Hm... He took it better that I expected- '' Jus' don't come runnin' back to us if yer arse get thrown out! '' he said quite harshly before putting an end to the call.


I talked too fast. Somehow I felt sad that this was the way our so called 'friendship' ended. I knew this guy was a dickhead. A selfish guy, only cared for himself and putting me in the very far back of the stage. I know I'm the drummer, but still. Putting me so far behind my back touched the wall of the stage! I spent most of my adolescence with those guys, so it felt a bit heartbroken to let them go after such a long time. But now I have new friends, right? Well it's only been four days since I knew these guys, should I trust them? Before I could think of something else, the phone rang again.

'' Hello? '' I said quite blankly.

'' Hey, it's John! '' he said quite joyfully. '' Are ye occupied right now? ''

'' No, actually... 'M free most o' me time. ''

'' Great! Do ye mind commin' to me flat? I gotta show ye somethin' I'm workin' on. '' Why me in particular? Are Paul and George not available?

'' Aren't the others betta' judges than I am? I mean, they are are quite better than me- ''

'' Jus' come ova' will ya. '' he laughed. Guess I have no choice now.

'' Okay then. '' I chuckled.

He gave me his flat adress then hung up. I was kinda happy to be able to make connection with my band mates and I guess now is the time, even if it's only one of them. I guess I'll meet the others later on. I said goobye to Harry and Elsie and made my way to John's flat. It wasn't that far, I made it there in at least 15 minutes.

Once I arived, I didn't even had to chance to knock, that the door swung open. Revealing an excited lad, he then pulled aside for me to step inside. '' Quite happy to see me eh? '' I joked, but my face was still blank from the Rory thing. '' Ye look quite down ther' bud. Wanna' talk abou' it? '' he asked quite gently. Does he care this much about me, already?

'' 'Meh, it's fine. I don't wan' ye worryin' about me. '' I replied with a half smile.

'' Yer sure? '' he sounded so caring. Somehow making me feel, safe? He then guided me to his living room where he sat me on his couch then sat next to me, but not too close for discomfort. I guess? '' Do ye mind tellin' me what's up? '' his smile was so comforting, yet I couldn't say no to this! I then explained the phone call I had with Rory and how he treated me when I was in his band. He seemed to care for what I told him, he didn't judge me or anything. He only listened to me.

Once I finished my story, I looked up at John to only see that his face was close to mine. I flinched and felt my face heat up. Why is this happening?! What? He then backed up a bit, I guess he saw that I got a bit scared. '' S-sorry... '' he stuttered shyly. '' It's okay..'' God that was awkward... '' Didn't ye have somethin', uh, to show me? ''

'' Oh yeah, almost forgo'. I guess yer story was so intrestin' I forgot what ye came fo'. '' he grinned before getting his guitar. My cheeks still felt hot a bit after his comment. He played a bit of guitar before signing.

'' There~ is a place

Where I can go~
When I feel low~
When I feel blue~
And it's my mind~
And there's no time~ when I'm alone

I~ think of you~
And things you do~
Go 'round my head~
The things you said~
Like "I love~ only you"~

In my mind there's no sorrow
Don't you know that it's so~
There'll be no sad tomorrow
Don't you know that it's so~ ''

'' That's all I hav' for now...'' I had no words, really. His singing was so soft and smooth. '' You... Ye wrote that? Tha's really good, I mean. I don't hav' words to describe it.'' He chuckled and put back his gutar where it was. '' Is it for someone? Dunno, jus' askin'. '' I shrugged. He looked down a bit and smiled. '' Yea, actually. Bu' It doesn't really matter.''

'' They mus' be lucky to hav' someone who cares. '' I smiled at him. He then stood up and said '' I didn't even ask ye if ye wanted somethin' to drink. Do ye want somethin'? '' I nodded and asked for a tea, like I normally did. Once he came back with the tea cups, a bit later, we started to chat about things here and there. I got to know him a bit better, I guess. But the fun had to come to an end. '' ...Anyways, my aunt Mimi 's abou' to come from work, an' it's gettin' a bit late too. ''

'' Right, I'll be on me way then. '' we stood up and he followed me to the front door. I stood outside and turned to wave him goodbye. '' See ye tomorrow at 1 p.m fo' practice, luv. '' he said before closing the door, preventing me to say something back. I walked back home, the streets were more calm than usual. I arrived home and got up to my room, when I realised something. Whait, did he call me..., luv? Suddenly my face went a dark shade of red. Why would he call me that? He isin't queer, is he. -Stop. No, of corse not. Stop thinking everyone is like you. And anyroad, it's illegal! I tried calming down, but the thought of it always came back in my head. I laid on my bed, and finally fell asleep, once again, easily. But this time, in my clothes.

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