-Close roommates-

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What's this? An update :0
It's been, I think, months... oop-

I'm sorry for having been away for so long, I've just been busy with school and all that. Also I didn't feel like writing since I've ran out of ideas -plus my writing had changed during that space of time-. If I miss on previous informations then it's totally fine.

I know I've changed a lot about how I write, I don't write their thoughts that much and might barely change the POV anymore. Idk, just made things complicated.


George prayed as he entered the room. He wanted it to have only one bed they could sleep in, but to his disappointment, the room had two seperate beds.

Ringo dropped his luggage by his choosen bed then plopped on it, letting out a soft content sigh. The younger lad, on the other hand, sat his bag near the door and walked to his bed, sitting on the edge as he kept his eyes on Richard. He was glad he got to room up with Ringo, not sure what would've happened if he would have been matched with Paul or John... surely something boring.

George glanced over at the door as three knocks were heard, pushing himself up from the bed to answer, already knowing who it was by the muffled chatter on the other side. The door soon opened to reveal the two other lads, their eyes shifting over to the younger who stood in the doorway.

''Long time no see eh?'' George chuckled, grinning a bit.

''How could I miss ya Dracula?'' teased John. ''Anyroad, me and princess Paulie were wonderin' if we could have you two to the pub down the road?''

George glanced back to Richard, the lad giving a small shrug before getting up, adjusting his clothes a bit as he wandered over.

''Sure.'' the yougner shrugged as well.


The afternoon rolled out nicely to evening, the four lads enjoying their long chit chatting while sipping on small amounts of drinks. They eventually made their way back to the hotel, rambling on and laughing, singing a bit together an old nursery rhyme they knew before stepping inside the building. Stumbling up the stairs while giggling, the boys split ways to go back to their rooms, letting out a sigh as they would get a chance to rest after a long day.

''I call shotgun for the shower..'' said George plainly, taking his luggage over to the bathroom.

Ringo barely had a chance to reply that the door closed, making him smile a bit. He reached down for his own suitcase and placed it on his bed, opening it to go through his clothes and accessories, taking out his folded pjs and soap. He hated those that they gave in hotels, they were too small and would slip everywhere out of your girp..

He looked up over to the bathrooom door as he heard the water start to run, soon getting back to his own things. He took off his shoes and sat them down by his bed, his tie soon comming undone, getting set down to rest on his nightstand.

A while later, Richard got his turn to shower, feeling much more refreshed as he came out, his hair damp while he wore a soft blue and white button up with a mathcing pair of pants. George was already on his bed, setting down the phone on his shared nightand as he looked up at the shorter lad, smiling gently at him as he straightened up a bit. Ringo smiled back as he set down his towel on the armrest of one of the single chairs.

While he had his back to the younger, George stood up quietly and walked over to him, his foosteps soft and subtle on the carpeted floor. 

''This baby blue goes well on ye y'know..'' he said softly as he stood behind Richrad, running a finger down along one of the blue stipes on the ladder's back.

''Oh- thanks.-'' he replied shortly as he glanced back, a bit taken aback to suddenly have him behind him.

''..Goes well with your eyes.'' he paused, almost taking the time to admire him. ''The prettiest I've seen.''

Richard stayed quiet as he listened, a thin layer of blush dusting his cheeks as the taller finished. He looked down as he felt George's hand gently cup the side of his jaw, feeling his thinner and longer guitarist fingers brush on his skin. 

Why is my heart beating so hard?? Am I having a heart attack!?

''Look at me..''

Ringo did as told and slowly glanced back up, his gaze settling back to the younger lad close to him, their eyes locking once again.

''I can't look at you if you look away.'' he softly chuckled, showing off those rounded yet sharp canines.

Richard grinned a bit, biting his lip a bit to hide it a tad faster, glancing down to avoid his eyes. He's never really ben flirted on by another bloke... it was new, but he didn't hate it. He liked it despite it being wrong.

George gently swiped the pad of his thumb on the lad's plump bottom lip, catching his attention once again, watching his cute curious exression he had on. They both stayed still for a moment, staring at eachother... that is untill the taller started to lean down. He went slowly, his darker colored eyes staying on Richard's soft lips as he leaned in, letting their lips brush gently before delicatly pressing them together.

Ringo allowed him to, still feeling a bit reculant, but let his eyes focus on the taller's lips as well untill he felt them upon his own, closing his eyes as he reached up and placed his hands at the base of George's neck as he slowly kissed back.

His lips are so soft.. they both thought.

Their lips danced slowly and intimately as their made their way to George's designated bed, the lad holding Ringo close as he tipped him back to have him lay on his bed. As he trailed loving pecks down Richard's neck, he slowly began to unbutton his shirt, soon letting him finish to tackle his own. He sat up as he finished taking off his shirt, watching George while at it, feeling his heart thumping in his chest.

''M glad that those bruises healed up.'' the younger hushed as he put his tee away, leaning back down to put his hands down on the bed, guiding Richard to lay back down againts the pillow.

''Yeah, me too... Though these won't leave.'' Richard replied, mentionning the set of small scars on his stomach.

''Maybe if I.... kiss them away, they'll leave.'' he said as he lowered down to peck Ringo's lower abdomen, though comming back up shortly after to kiss the lad's lips once more.

Richard chuckled a bit before he got cut off by the younger stealing him a kiss, opening his eyes to watch him lay down beside him, turning his head to look at him. George looked down at him and ran a soft hand on the side of the shorter's head before he sat up to cover them with the blanket, snuggling a tad closet to him before he reached back and closed the lamp, pecking lovingly Ringo's forehead as he closed his eyes.

He felt a small flutter travel trought him as George held him close, nuzzling slowly into his chest, getting a scent of the mix of faint coconut and cigarettes on him, comforting him as he closed his eyes as well.


How's this for a return? But I finally had a slight desire to write again to finish this small chapter. 

I know I've been off for quite a while, but my posts won't be as regular as they were before back in summer since school is still a thing -n-'' 
But I hope you'll like this, even though it might take me another while to get more chapters out..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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