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*5 days later (next gig)*

*Ringo's POV*

'' Yeah, love me do~ ''

John then finished the show with his harmonica. We followed and hit the last notes. Once we finished, the crowd cheered our performance. We bowed as a 'thank you' and got off stage to the back section.

I chatted a bit with the boys about the show we had, and to be honnest, it was pretty great! Even tho people aren't into me yet, they didn't do like last time, which is a good thing.

It was dark outside, almost pitch black. So I had to head home a bit before my mates, so my parents wouldn't worry. I'm not a kid anymore but, I guess I have to deal with that... I said them 'bye' and headed out of the bar. 

The air was a bit warm, just enough to not wear a big coat. I pulled out my pack of cigarettes and lit one in my mouth. I watched as the smoke would dissapear in the air when I blew it out. Kinda mesmerizing. I walked at a steady pace down the street. While I walked, I couldn't help but feel... watched, like I was followed or something.

Suddenly, I felt a tight grip pulling the back of my coat harshly. Pulling me out of my tracks, to the alleyway near the pub, the same as the previous gig. I nearly tripped on my feet while being dragged in. The man then pushed me to the brick wall, making me hit my head slightly on it.

'' Would 'ye look at tha'... It's that little chav from tha' Beatles band.'' the man chuckled.

At this point I didn't know what to do, I was panicking. My back was glued againts the wall. Out of the dark came out two more blokes. Once I calmed down just a tad, I looked at the man who had a grip on my arms. Then it clicked... it was that Pete fan from last time! 

After he talked, the two boys behind him laughed. He stared sharply into my eyes, everything was so fast but yet, felt so long. A sudden, painful, feeling was felt on my left cheek. He paunched me right in the face, making me fall on the ground with a thud. I tried getting up to my knees but as I did so, they started kicking me, making me fall one more time. My back, stomach, legs... everything hurted, it felt horrible. They kicked me for what seemed forever. 

I just wanted to black out, be done with this torturous nightmare. I tried to shield my head with my arms, but they were soon pulled up. Making me weakly stand on my feets. They punched me in the guts a couple time before running away when someone yelled at them, letting me drop like a glass. I shattered on the ground, painfully and lazely holding my sides. Warm tears streaming slowly down the side of my slightly brused face. Sobbing quietly on the dirty ground.

I heard footsteps coming towards where I was and than a yell again. Someone took me in his arms, pressing my limp body to his.

*George's POV*

Ringo left early this night, he explained it was because he didn't wanted his parents to worry about him being home late. It's understandable, tho he's the oldest one in the group. But still, maybe he felt like leaving early. 

My mates and I smoked and talked a bit before leaving out of boredome. It's not the same when he's gone. He's such an energetic guy, he put's joy in everyone's day. With his bright smile and his piercing light saphire eyes. 

I think we all fell in love with Ringo, everything's perfect about him. His drumming, his personality, his cheesy jokes he cracks once in awhile... basically everything.

So, we picked up our guitars and got out of there. We walked and planned things for next practice. Then out of the blue, John stops mid-sentence and peeked his head behind Paul's. He stopped walking and yelled.

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