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A/N: Alright, so just quick update. I'm gonna stop to try and write dialogue in a british way ( if I can say it that way xd) cus it's a bit hard, I give up easily yikes, but I'll keep doing it sometimes just not as much. Oh, and thanks for the 200+ reads, it makes me happy to see peoples read my stuff :0 So yea, anyway good reading :))

( last thing, I know that Ringo went to Hamburg before *went he met the three of them* but shhhhh )


Elsie and Harry wondered what all those pacing footsteps upstairs were for. She walked up the stairs, peeking in Ringo's bedroom door. She saw him going through his drawers and stuffing clothes in a bag. He kept whispering things to himslef as he wondered in his room.

'' Is everythin' ok, honey? '' Ringo looked at the door where stoor his mother.

'' Uh, yeah. I'm just packin' me stuff for the week. Now where did I put my comb..? ''  he asked himself.

She chuckled and let him finish, then headed back down to join her lover. Ringo went over all he had packed at least trhee times. He knew he always had a habit of forgetting things.

He didn't manage to sleep that night since he was so stressed about the flight. These two weeks weren't as bad, but he still couldn't have a good night sleep.

He zipped the bag once he was finally sure he had everything. As he glanced at the time, he heard a car honk outised. He panicked as he saw the cab outside in front of his house. It's time! he thought.

He threw on a coat, grabbed his luggage and ran downstairs. He slipped in his shoes as fast as he could.

'' G'bye mum, bye Harry! See you in a week! '' they waved from the kitchen as he left.

He jogged to the car then tossed his bag in the back of the car. He saw other ones so he must of been the last they picked up.

He then looked in the car and saw everyone. George martin drove and Brian sat in the passenger seat. John, George and Paul all sat in the back seat. Paul pushed the door open for Ringo.

'' Sorry if there's not enough place for you. If you can, you can squeeze yourself a place. '' George said from the front seat. '' Or, you can sit on one of them? ''

Ringo's cheeks heat up a bit as he thought of having to sit on one of his mates. He looked back at them as they all had grins on their faces.

'' You can sit on me if you want. I won't mind. '' Paul smiled as he tapped on his lap.

The small lad swollowed the lump in his throat as he ducked his head and entered the cab. He sat timidly on Paul's thighs. He closed the door and the car drove off. He looked out of the window at the houses that they passed by. Paul looked proudly at Ringo's reflection in the window.

'' Ey Ringo, if Paulie ever gets tired, you can always sit on ol' Johnny's lap. '' he joked teasingly.

Paul glanced a ' in your dreams' look at John as the drummer's face grew an even more dark shade of red. George watched in silence, like he would usually do. Whenever he saw Ringo blush or embarrassed, it reminded him of the night when he stayed at his flat. And how shy he looked when he took off his shirt in front of him.

The ride took almost and hour, but they finally arrived at the airport. Once they parked, Ringo opened the door quickly as there was a fire. They all grabbed their suitcases and headed towards the private plane that waited for them. 

They took seats in the nearly empty plane. Paul and George sat together as John sat next to Ringo. He sat by the window as John sat near the alley. John pointed outside the window. The small lad turned his head to see outside. They both watched as the big stairs were taken away slowly from the plane.


John's P.O.V.

Ringo sat beside me, gazing outside at the clouds we were above of. We took off about ten minutes ago and still had a couple hours to our flight.

It was past noon, so if I am correct, we would land later in the afternoon, nearly evening. Paul and George sat on the other side, chatting together about some nonsense. 

I turned to Ringo, he looked tiredly outside at the blue sky. I noticed the difficulty he had to keep his soft eyes open. 

'' You tired? '' I asked. He shifted his head and smiled, nodding slightly.

'' Yeah, didn't sleep well tonight. '' he chuckled. God he was so cute.

'' Need a shoulder to rest? '' He pursed his lips and looked away.

He then sat his head slowly onto my shoulder, timidly. His eyes fluttered shut, trying to stay awake, but fell asleep once they closed. Ringo's breathing paced down, going at a slow rhythm.

I looked to the duo on the other side, meeting George's eyes. His eyes flicked to the boy resting on my shoulder then back to me. I gave him a cheeky grin, he huffed and continued his conversation with Paul.

I gazed back to Ringo, who seemed to sleep well.Then a lady came by with a cart, asking the people in the plane if they wanted anything to drink or eat. She passed by Paul's and George's seats. Paul rolled his eyes as George took almost one of each snacks they had. The lady then passed by our seats, smiling once she saw Ringo sleeping.

'' Is there anything you want to drink or eat, sir? '' she asked sweetly.

'' Tea, if that's possible. '' she nodded and headed down the aisle to see the rest of our crew.

The plane finally landed, after a long while. I felt something nudge at my arm. I opened my eyes, I fell asleep earlier due to boredom, and saw Paul tipping his head towards the front of the plane. In sing that we had to go. 

Ringo still was sleeping. I mouved my shoulder gently to wake him up. His eyes still closed, he groaned a bit and passed his hand down his face. He then opened his eyes and looked up at me, his chin still resting on my shoulder and his face close to mine. Ringo straightened up quickly, surprising me a little. We got up, and trotted up to meet the others.


This time, the cab had enough place for Ringo to have his seat in the back. Since Brian and George Martin had another ride. He sat in the middle, Paul at his left side, George on the other and John in the front seat.

Once they arrived at the hotel, they met up again with Brian.

'' Alright boys, I've booked up the rooms. '' said their manager. John, Paul and George wondered who going to be Ringo's roommate and waited rather impatiently.

'' Now for the rooms, you'll have two rooms for you four. So, Paul, I roomed you with John, and George you'll be with Ringo. '' he continued as he handed them two keys.

The four of them reached their rooms after searching for a while. They shared rooms that were next to each others. 

Ringo opened the door and entered their shared room, George following behind and closing the door after. 


Short chapter, I'm running low on ideas right now. But I intend to do the sequence in the next chapter, so yeah.

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