5 years later

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Peter's point of view: it has been 5 years since me tony the guardians and doctor strange fought thanos on his home planet now only three of us are in space tony and nebula are hanging out while I am working on repairs on the ship. I have barely ate anything as I gave it to tony I've had nothing to drink I now have a full on beard and mustache. Then I see a bright yellow thing flying towards the ship the yellow thing turns out to be a woman who flys the ship from underneath it taking it to earth landing it outside the compound.

Wanda's point of view: I am outside with Steve nat and pepper waiting for the ship to land. The ship lands and the ramp opens and nebula is helping tony down the ramp and I go inside the ship to see spiderman who is half asleep so I picks him up I am still down about vision's death but it wont stop me from saving a life peter has a few broken ribs a broken leg and blood all over his face "stay with us spiderman" I say as nat follows me and pepper and steve are helping tony get to the med bay I set peter on a medical table not knowing his name but me and nat try to keep peter alive. "Tony what is spider man's blood type" I ask "same as yours A positive" tony says so I tell nat to set up a blood transfusion "are you sure Wanda?" Nat says "do it!" I say so nat hooks both me and peter up to it and I hold Peter's hand lightly and he squeezed my hand lightly scared as he is having flashbacks to when his fought thanos as well so I place my other hand on his head to calm him down "shhhhh it's ok to are safe now" I whispered to Peter and he calms down still holding my hand. I then kiss his forehead and he blushes. Nat saw wanda kiss Peter's head and smiled as its Wanda's first steps into her old self when vision was alive. Nat Steve pepper and tony leave the room peter wakes up blushing as he sees wanda and him holding hands. "Hey I-im peter" peter says weakly "I'm wanda I know what happened with you fighting thanos I had to fight him as well" I say then both me and peter feel a pain on our arms as a tattoo that a mix of my symbol and Peter's symbol forms on our arms I grunt then the tattoos start to glow. "What the" me and peter both say at the same time and our lips get closer and closer our lips touch and me and peter end up kissing filled with passion. Nat walks in on them seeing this and smirks "well I see that you two like each other" nat said as she giggled. Peter and i blushed deep red and nat unhooked me and peter nat from the blood transfusion thing I help peter stand "take it slow I said "yes ma'am" peter said and me and peter go to the main room where the others are at mine and Peter's faces are still red. Peter and I go to eat as me and him haven't ate yet so we go to eat in the kitchen I make some bacon eggs and pancakes for me and Peter. Peter helps me with the eggs while I cook the pancakes and bacon I burn myself "ow!" I say "here let me see" peter says so I show him my hand "put some ice on that and you will be good to go" peter said "ok handsome" I say blushing I kiss Peter's lips with passion and Steve sees this and he smiles in acceptance. Me and peter blush deep red "after we eat wanna go to the city I have to check something where I used to live I mean you don't have to come if you don't want to" peter says "I'll come with you pete" I say holding him close.

1 hour later

Peter's point of view: me and wanda have always had a connection me and her have felt it when me and her met in Germany when she nearly killed me but this is in the past now I have to focus on keeping the only person I have left alive and happy plus I have been working on something for her before thanos destroyed my life. "Ready wanda?" I ask her "yes I've been isolated in the place for far to long" wanda says "swing or fly" I ask "take a guess handsome" wanda says in a extremely cute way "swing it is hold on tight beautiful" I say to wanda "ok" she says holding onto me tight she is wearing her suit and I'm wearing my old I had under the iron spider suit but I dont have the mask anymore "I wish I knew where my old mask was" I say "oh you mean this" wanda says pulling out my old mask from a pocket on her suit "you found it where?" I ask "it landed on my balcony" wanda says "at least it was with someone I trust and love" I say. I still have a full on beard and mustache "should I keep the facial hair?" I ask wanda "keep it it tells a story of a legend who survived hell" wanda says I am swinging to my old place with wanda holding onto me "this is so much fun now I see why you swing everywhere" wanda says "I have blood stains on my face still" I say looking into a window as I land outside of my old place I open the window to my old room "ladies first" I say to wanda as she climbs though the window and I follow behind her then I see ned who survived "n-ned!" I say "who are you!? Why are you in a spiderman suit!?" Ned shouts and Wanda's eyes glow scarlett red "easy he is not a enemy" I get a idea about having wanda share mine and her memories of the battle with thanos "if you can see memories cant you share them because ned doesn't recognize me with the facial hair and he doesn't know what happened to me" I whisper to wanda "I can give it a try" wanda says grabbing my hand and her other hand on ned's shoulder then me and wanda think of everything that happened with thanos on earth and titan.

Some time later

Peter's point of view: me and wanda wake up to ned sitting on my old bed "so it is you Peter you've been in space for 5 years" ned says "yeah bro" I say helping wanda up "so who is the girl?" ned asks "my girlfriend" I say as wanda kisses my lips and I kiss her back "her face is familiar" ned says "should I tell him my name or let him figure it out" wanda asks me "let him figure it out" i say "your the scarlet witch" ned says "the one and only" wanda says as she giggled "how long have you two known each other?" Ned asks "we met in Germany" me and Wanda say at the same time "Germany! When did you go to Germany peter?" ned says and asks "7 or 8 years ago now I'm a avenger" I say "damn 8 years ago wait you are a avenger!" Ned says "I've been one for 5 years now" I say as I go to my desk looking for something I was making for wanda. "What are you looking for pete" wanda asks "something I was making for you before I was in space" I say as I find the symbol. "pete you shouldn't have" wanda says "I did it as a apologize for when I hit you into tony" I say "oh pete I already forgave you for that but I do like the symbol" wanda says as i attach it to her suit "it fits" I say "well I made something for you to pete but it's at the compound" wanda says "ok let's head back now" I say packing a few designs. "See you later ned" I say "see ya bro" ned says and me and wanda go back to the compound.

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At the compound

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At the compound

Wanda's point of view: me and peter walk into the compound me and Peter go to my room so I can give peter what I made him. Mine and Peter's eyes glow scarlett red as now their connection is strong enough that they now share each other's powers. Me and peter are shocked "so what did you want to give me beautiful" peter says and I blush pulling a box from under my bed I open the box and pull out a suit and mask similar to his old one but it has a trench coat like mine with it "try it on pete let me know what you think" I say and peter take the suit goes to the bathroom and suit up in his new suit and comes out "I love it but I love you more" peter says taking off the mask and kisses my lips and I blush kiss back. "I love you too pete" I say blushing and Peter's hands show a scarlett mist "let's go to the training room I'll teach you how to use my powers and you teach me how to use yours" I say "ok let's do it" peter says.

wanda maxinoff and peter parker (a spiderwitch story)Where stories live. Discover now